Dr. Blanche Grube on the Dangers of Root Canals – Part 2

October 26, 2022

Dr. Hotze and special guest, Dr. Blanche Grube, continue their discussion about the correlation between dental health, root canals and disease. Dr. Grube is a renowned thought leader in biological dentistry and is co-developer of the “The Huggins – Grube Protocol.” Dr. Grube was mentored by the late Dr. Hal Huggins. Learn more about the dangers of root canals and how they can cause heart disease.

Podcast Highlights:

2:55: Those tubules, imagine three miles of tubules, three miles in one tooth, so you’ve got literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of little tubules in one tooth, and that’s where the bacteria reside and you don’t kill them all.

5:32: When the patient has a root canal extracted or not, they could do a super floss test prior to extraction, send that super floss to the lab and we’ll tell them which of the 88 different microorganisms do they have in excess amount.

6:07: And we’re talking specifically with Dr. Grube about bacteria, anaerobic. Those are bacteria that don’t need oxygen to live, stay alive; or aerobic, they do need oxygen. So there are two different kinds of bacteria in classes anaerobic and aerobic.

7:11: Again, what we’re finding out is that all root canals are toxic, every single one of them. We have never received the results of a root canal tooth that was not incredibly toxic.

8:20: Well, in the Chinese meridian system, they know that every single tooth goes to an organ in the body and is attached to that organ in the body in an energetic way and the organ also is attached to the tooth.

9:10: So if the tooth is dead because it’s been root canaled, then energy will go from the large intestine up to the first molar, but the first molar, because it’s dead, gives no energy back to the large intestine.

9:50: If the tooth is dead and root canaled, then no energy goes back or very little energy goes back to the breast and it sets the patient up for problems down the road that they’re not functioning 100%. So I believe that’s one of the reasons why women who have root canals in their bicuspid wind up getting breast cancer.

11:04: So you have less white blood cells and you have less energy going to the breast. All of a sudden, here pops up a cancer cell in the breast.

11:14:  I don’t know that most people know this or not, but our whole body has cancer cells continuously forming and then being taken care of by natural killer cells and our obligatory immune system.

13:16: What teeth are related to the heart? The wisdom teeth.

16:23: So the gums heal up on the top, but then you have this hole in the bottom that never filled in with bone. Bacteria move in because there’s saliva in the mouth and that saliva is loaded with bacteria.

18:36: Those bacteria in the cavities also seed and get into the coronary arteries.

19:05: What causes atherosclerosis, folks, is inflammation of the coronary arteries. That inflammation has to be caused by something. It can be caused by bacteria from root canals or from cavitations or cleaning the teeth or anything.

20:40: I have often said, if you could eliminate sugar from the planet, you would probably have to close half of the hospitals within 30 days. No kidding.

Podcast Transcription:

Dr. Steven Hotze: I’m Dr. Steve Hotze. Welcome back to the program today. Our guest is Dr. Blanche Grube. Dr. Blanche Grube operates a medical clinic which focuses on improving your overall health, not just in your mouth, but your health of your mouth directly affects the health of every cell in your body. Dr. Grube came to understand this when she began to work with Dr. Hal Huggins back in 1992 and changed her whole direction and path in dentistry.

She now is one of the physicians most noted in the country for what is called the Huggins-Grube Protocol. It’s an integrative system that incorporates multiple safety factors to enhance people to regain their health by treating their teeth correctly. As we left for the break, we were just talking about root canals and the bacteria in root canals and what that bacteria does and how it begins to take a hold in root canals and in the ligaments around the tooth canals.

We’re going to talk about amalgams and those adverse effects. As we come back, Dr. Grube, and you really give a compelling story here. It’s fascinating and it makes me all the more interested in ensuring that our guests here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center have a dentist who practices your protocols in the area, and we do. There are a couple of dentists here in the state that focus on removing root canals and also on…

Dr. Blanche Grube: Correct.

Dr. Steven Hotze: …removing amalgams. Talk more to us about the root canals. Now, by the way, folks, a root canal, of course, your roots have a center to it and then there are tubules that come off that center to where the nerves are, the nerves that go through all the tubules. I read there’s something to three to four miles of tubules in one tooth, if you can imagine that, and they all have a lining to them.

When the tooth goes dead, even though the doctor says, “Well, we’re going to sterilize it and we’re going to put something up there,” I don’t know what they put, hot wax, they put some kind of bacteriostatic medication, they said, “We’ve sterilized it,” well, that tooth’s dead. Those tubules, imagine three miles of tubules, three miles in one tooth, so you’ve got literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of little tubules in one tooth, and that’s where the bacteria reside and you don’t kill them all.

They know that because in the work that Dr. Price did, and Dr. Huggins did, and the studies that Dr. Grube has done has shown that these teeth that are removed because they were root canal teeth and they were removed, they found in every single one of the teeth, and this is thousands of teeth that have been studied over the years, every one of them contained bacteria of one kind or another.

Let’s talk about the bacteria that we find in those teeth and what they represent. You had mentioned the dentist that took root canals out and plugged it under the skin of rabbits and the rabbits died of whatever the disease the person had. If they had arthritis then the rabbits got arthritis. If they had Alzheimer’s, they got Alzheimer’s. If they had a heart attack, they got a heart attack or liver disorder, liver disorder.

Dr. Blanche Grube: Right.

Dr. Steven Hotze: So that has to be related to different bacteria in the teeth that caused those various disorders.

Dr. Blanche Grube: That’s correct, and now we do know what diseases are caused by the different bacteria. Now in place of sending our teeth to the University of Kentucky to find out if they were toxic or not, we now encourage all of the dentists to send these root canals to DNA ConneXions, which is the laboratory in Colorado Springs that Dr. Huggins started, because it occurred to Dr. Huggins one day that, well, we have teeth that the bacteria may have died and they may have dried out and they may not be able to be cultured, but we certainly can look at the remaining DNA inside these teeth. So he began to look at the DNA of the microorganisms inside the root canal teeth. We also do, of course, this crevicular fluid and we do blood and other body parts that we get out of the mouth and we test for 88 different microorganisms.

When the patient has a root canal extracted or not, they could do a super floss test prior to extraction, send that super floss to the lab and we’ll tell them which of the 88 different microorganisms do they have in excess amount. Because a lot of the microorganisms that we test are what they call commensal organisms that you see in the mouth all the time. Well, yes, you see them in the mouth all the time, but they should not be there in such high numbers that they then can cause disease.

Dr. Steven Hotze:  And we’re talking specifically with Dr. Grube about bacteria, anaerobic. Those are bacteria that don’t need oxygen to live, stay alive; or aerobic, they do need oxygen. So there are two different kinds of bacteria in classes anaerobic and aerobic. Then there’s numerous, literally hundreds and thousands of different types of bacteria that fall either in the anaerobic category or the aerobic category and many are in our mouth. Frankly, I used to be…

Dr. Blanche Grube: Correct. But prior to our recent discovery of the DNA and being able to test for DNA, we had a very hard time. You couldn’t take an anaerobic bacteria from somebody’s socket or from somebody’s blood and test it because it’s anaerobic. The minute oxygen hit it…

Dr. Steven Hotze: It’s dead.

Dr. Blanche Grube: …in the room, that was it. You lost the bacteria. But now, we can test the DNA of the anaerobic bacteria. Again, what we’re finding out is that all root canals are toxic, every single one of them. We have never received the results of a root canal tooth that was not incredibly toxic. Let me also add that back then, Dr. Huggins had challenged the class to see if we could find a patient, specifically breast cancer, but he’d be interested in any kind of cancer, specifically breast cancer where the patient did not have a root canal in the second bicuspid and upper first molar or the first bicuspids on the lower.

So I thought, “Well, that’s odd. Why would he want us to look for that?” He would actually give us $1,000 if we could find a patient with breast cancer that did not have a root canal or cavitation in the bicuspid or upper first molar. Why would he say that to us?

Well, I continued to study and in the process of my studying, one of the things that I studied was acupuncture, the Chinese meridian system.  Well, in the Chinese meridian system, they know that every single tooth goes to an organ in the body and is attached to that organ in the body in an energetic way and the organ also is attached to the tooth. For instance, if you have the first molar on your lower, all first molars, they are energetically connected to your large intestines. That means in Chinese medicine, they believe that there’s an energy pattern that circles around that molar, circles around your large intestines, and there’s a give and a take. The large intestines then give energy back up to the first molar and it goes back and forth like this all day long.

Well, every organ has a tooth and every tooth has an organ. So if the tooth is dead because it’s been root canaled, then energy will go from the large intestine up to the first molar, but the first molar, because it’s dead, gives no energy back to the large intestine. So there’s an imbalance there and anybody who is a really good acupuncturist would be able to detect that imbalance. Every tooth in the body is connected to an organ, first bicuspid, second bicuspid, and first molar are connected to the breast meridians all the time. So that means the breasts are giving energy to the bicuspid.

If the tooth is dead and root canaled, then no energy goes back or very little energy goes back to the breast and it sets the patient up for problems down the road that they’re not functioning 100%. So I believe that’s one of the reasons why women who have root canals in their bicuspid wind up getting breast cancer. Of course the other reason is because the body wants to get rid of everything that is bad, everything that is toxic, everything that’s a foreign substance.

The immune system is an obligatory system. It’s obligated to try to get rid of it. For instance, if it sends 100,000 white blood cells every day to tooth number 13 because it’s a root canal tooth, the root canal filling went past the tooth, it’s in the bone, the body knows it’s a foreign substance, it sends 100,000 white blood cells. White blood cells only live seven days, maybe less, give or take a day. When they’re done, they’re dying, they call out for some more white blood cells and those white blood cells live seven days and then they die and they send more white blood cells and this is happening continuously.

So you have less white blood cells and you have less energy going to the breast. All of a sudden, here pops up a cancer cell in the breast. I don’t know that most people know this or not, but our whole body has cancer cells continuously forming and then being taken care of by natural killer cells and our obligatory immune system.

So what happens is some cancer cells get together and they start to grow in the breast. The white blood cells in the breast, alert the spleen, alert the brain, “Hey, we got a problem here in the right breast. Give me a couple of hundred million white blood cells. Throw in a couple of hundred thousand natural killer cells. Let’s get rid of these cancer cells.” The president of the spleen says, “Are you kidding me? I’ve been losing 100,000 white blood cells every day for that root canal in tooth number 13. I don’t have a million natural killer cells or a million white blood cells I can give you, but I’ll tell you what. I’ll send you some immature cells.”

We’re getting back to what I said about your blood chemistry. Hal Huggins was absolutely right. Every patient should have a blood chemistry before you ever put a mirror in their mouth because you look at the blood chemistry and you see depressed white blood cell, increased mean corpuscular volume. There’s a battle going on in that body and they are losing the battle.

So this is how the person gets set up for cancer when they have a root canal tooth that goes to that organ. So I’m giving you two examples now. Number one is depressed white blood cells. Number two, it’s a depressed amount of energy because the energy flow is not normal. Then of course number three is the actual microorganisms and the toxins that they produce that travel throughout the whole body, but tend to aggregate in the organ that has the least amount of energy, and that would be the breast in this example, and so the microorganisms…

red heart and stethoscopeDr. Steven Hotze: What teeth are related to the heart?

Dr. Blanche Grube: The wisdom teeth.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Okay. What if you get your wisdom teeth pulled out, then what?

Dr. Blanche Grube: Well, now we’re going to get into the subject of cavitations. Most people have their wisdom teeth taken out by late teenage years, early 20s. Unfortunately, dentists use a chemical called epinephrine in their Novocaine. Why do they do that? Well, epinephrine is a chemical that is naturally produced by our adrenal glands, by our body. It’s a good chemical because when you’re in a fight or flight situation, you need epinephrine. Epinephrine causes your blood vessels to contract.

Dr. Steven Hotze: That is known in lay term, you know it folks as adrenaline, adrenaline rush.

Dr. Blanche Grube: Yes, adrenaline. Right. This is a good thing in that situation. If you need to climb up a tree to get away from a bear, it’s good to have that adrenaline flowing in your body.

Dr. Steven Hotze: That’s right.

Dr. Blanche Grube: That’s right. But what they do is they put synthetic epinephrine in the actual glass carpules of Novocaine, and the dentist give the patients Novocaine with epinephrine. Why do they do that? Well, because epinephrine causes the blood vessels to contract, so the Novocaine stays in that area for a longer period of time, meaning the patient stays numb. And that’s a good thing. You can continue working if the patient is numb.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Right.

Dr. Blanche Grube: The other thing is that if the blood vessels contract, well, then there’s less bleeding. Well, that’s a good thing also because if I’m a dentist and I just took out four wisdom teeth, I don’t want the patient drooling blood as they’re walking through the waiting room.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Right.

Dr. Blanche Grube: No, no, no, no. Not bleeding is a good thing. Let’s stuff some cotton in their mouth, send them home, and they’ll be just fine. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of the osteocytes, those are very specialized cells that form bone, the osteocytes were not getting any oxygen during that surgical procedure. The epinephrine had closed off the capillaries completely that go and deliver oxygen to each and every one of those cells, every single…

It’s a difficult thing to wrap your head around that every single cell in your body has a capillary that goes to it to give oxygen and a capillary that goes away to it. So if the capillary is closed, that cell is not getting oxygen. I once asked Dr. Jerry Bouquot, one of the world’s leading bone pathologists, went up to him after a lecture and I said, “Dr. Bouquot, how long can a bone cell go without oxygen?” and he scratched his head for a moment and said, “About 34 seconds.” That surprised me. 34 seconds, that’s not a long time.

Dr. Steven Hotze: So that’s why they developed these cavitations because the osteocytes are killed and they don’t reform bone. You don’t…

Dr. Blanche Grube: You got it. Dead bone doesn’t grow.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Right.

Dr. Blanche Grube: It doesn’t grow. So the gums heal up on the top, but then you have this hole in the bottom that never filled in with bone. Bacteria move in because there’s saliva in the mouth and that saliva is loaded with bacteria.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Right.

Dr. Blanche Grube: They move into the hole and that’s just as good as a root canal tooth. It’s a great place for bacteria to hide, to grow, and continue to produce toxins. It usually takes about 20 years before the person starts to get symptoms and we can trace the symptoms back to the day that they had their four wisdom teeth taken out.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And the symptoms you normally see, the systemic symptoms are related to heart?

Dr. Blanche Grube: They’re related to heart. They’re related to fatigue, which is also related to heart, all kinds of symptoms. Isn’t that interesting?

Dr. Steven Hotze: Yes.

Dr. Blanche Grube: I had a patient. She had atrial fibrillation, which for some reason couldn’t even be controlled with medication. It didn’t matter what they gave her, beta blockers. They could give her all kinds of stuff and it was not being controlled. As we were cleaning out the last cavitation, her heart rhythm came back to normal right before our eyes, because all of our patients are hooked up to a monitor.

Dr. Steven Hotze: What percent of individuals that have had their wisdom teeth removed have cavitations?

Dr. Blanche Grube: I would take a guess it’s about 95%.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Wow. I had my wisdom teeth removed. Isn’t that interesting?

Dr. Blanche Grube: Yes.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And I’ve…

Dr. Blanche Grube: When you had your wisdom teeth removed, they probably used epinephrine because they’re still using epinephrine today. It’s only the biological dentists that are not using epinephrine.

Dr. Steven Hotze: I haven’t heard that term, biological dentist. That’s what you consider yourself.

Dr. Blanche Grube: That’s what I consider myself.

Dr. Steven Hotze: That’s correct.

Dr. Blanche Grube: Of course, the American Dental Association says there’s no such thing as a biological dentist.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Well…

Dr. Blanche Grube: They say there’s no such thing as a holistic dentist. There’s no such thing as a biological dentist. All dentists are biological dentists. Okay.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Let’s also talk about those bacteria. Those bacteria in the cavities also seed and get into the coronary arteries.

Dr. Blanche Grube: Correct.

Dr. Steven Hotze: We find it. I’m not sure what bacteria it is that are in the coronary arteries that cause the inflammation, but here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, on all our guests that are 40 or older in males, women 50 and older, we always get a heart scan.

Dr. Blanche Grube: Good.

Dr. Steven Hotze: We measure atherosclerosis. What causes atherosclerosis, folks, is inflammation of the coronary arteries. That inflammation has to be caused by something. It can be caused by bacteria from root canals or from cavitations or cleaning the teeth or anything. That bacteria, there’s literally hundreds of different bacteria in the mouth that can be seeded and it goes to the heart, to the arteries and it causes inflammation.

Then the body wants to respond to that because it doesn’t want the coronary artery to deteriorate and break apart. So the body has a mechanism. It sends lipid lipoprotein, which is a lipid molecule, which is cholesterol attached to a protein and it Band-Aids the inflammation and then it absorbs calcium to cause rigidity so that artery doesn’t break down. Atherosclerosis is a mechanism by which the body repairs itself. Unfortunately, if you have a lot of inflammation near your coronary artery, you throw off some clot or fatty atheroma upstream and it just clogs up the artery and then you got a heart attack.

But it was caused initially by the inflammation, which in large part and probably in the preponderance of cases, is caused by bacteria from the mouth. Now, sugar also causes inflammation, so a low sugar diet is very important and sugar is what yeast and fungus feeds on. I’m sure there’s fungi in the mouth that are also seeded. Is that right?

woman holding bowl sugar thumbs downDr. Blanche Grube: Correct. Correct. I have often said, if you could eliminate sugar from the planet, you would probably have to close half of the hospitals within 30 days. No kidding.

Dr. Steven Hotze: That’s true.

Dr. Blanche Grube: Yes.

Dr. Steven Hotze: We have to wear masks, but it’s okay to eat ice cream while you’re at home and locked down, honey. You can’t make this stuff up. The medical profession is so far off the track. It’s just absolutely incredible, conventional medicine.

Dr. Blanche Grube: That is right.

Dr. Steven Hotze: They still have their old paradigms that they’re not willing to ask the most important question, why does this person have heart disease?

Dr. Blanche Grube: Correct.

Dr. Steven Hotze: It’s not because they don’t have a stent or they haven’t had a bypass. What caused the problem to begin with, and you ask most physicians that, and they can’t tell you. Well, it just happens. You know it happens with age or it’s genetic. My daddy had a heart attack. What’s genetic, what’s inherited from family is the diet and not…

Dr. Blanche Grube: It’s the diet, right.

Dr. Steven Hotze: It’s what’s in there.

Dr. Blanche Grube: It’s the diet, absolutely. Every single time, it’s the diet.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Dr. Blanche, this has been a very informative discussion. I can’t tell you how very pleased I am to have you…

Dr. Blanche Grube: Thank you.

Dr. Steven Hotze: …as a guest on this program. We’re going to have you back to discuss mercury amalgams in the teeth.

Dr. Blanche Grube: Wonderful.

Dr. Steven Hotze: …the next time. I wish you…

Dr. Blanche Grube: Wonderful.

Dr. Steven Hotze: …God’s blessing in your work.

Dr. Blanche Grube: Thank you.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Thank you for what you’re doing.

Dr. Blanche Grube: Thank you.

Dr. Steven Hotze: If people want to contact you, what’s the website?

Dr. Blanche Grube: Dr. Blanch Grube, that’s it, drblanchegrube.com.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And that’s B-L-A-N-C-H-E…

Dr. Blanche Grube: Yes.

Dr. Steven Hotze: …G-R-U-B-E.

Dr. Blanche Grube: B-E, right.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Thank you, Dr. Grube for being with us today. God bless you.



Written By: Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


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