Beautiful Skin with BBL, Halo Pro, SkinPen and SkinTyte

July 13, 2022

In this podcast, Dr. Steven Hotze speaks with Bailie Munoz, Aesthetician at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, about aesthetics procedures to help your skin look more youthful and beautiful. They discuss Broadband Light (BBL) Therapy, SkynTyte, SkinPen and Halo Pro, which are all safe and effective for both corrective and preventative treatments. You will learn which treatments may be right for you and how they work to improve your skin.


Podcast Highlights:

1:10: Leading our department is Bailie Muños, who’s our licensed aesthetician, and Bailie helps our guests look their best. So I wanted to talk to you about some of the services we offer here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center.

1:28: We’ve been trained by the premier dermatologist in the country who invented the Sciton machine, which is a machine that uses light therapy to stimulate healthy skin.

2:00: Well with the Sciton laser, we utilize the BBL, which is broadband light, to not only correct sun damage and facial vascularity, but to also stimulate collagen production and reveal a much healthier, younger looking skin.

3:59: …we can do a VISIA skin analysis, which is an in depth photo of the skin, particularly on the face, and we can show our guests all of the UV damage that hasn’t yet come to the surface. We can also show them the severity of facial vascularity, which those are the two treatments that BBL addresses best and foremost is facial redness and pigmentation. So we can show them this is what we not only can treat, what we can see, but we can also get a head start on treating what we can’t see just yet.

4:47: There’s really no limit as far as who can and cannot have or start having BBL treatments done. We can treat acne, teens, and adolescent acne with BBL.

8:29: When you are first starting your journey with BBL, five to six treatments is the usual recommendation and those can be done three to four weeks apart to achieve the best result.

9:22: SkinPen is a microneedling treatment that we offer…

9:29: So if someone has experienced acne in their lifetime and they have a very textured scarring, we can use microneedling to restructure the skin, to help stimulate collagen production, to retexturize the skin and smooth out the surface. That is our most popular treatment for acne scarring in particular, microneedling.

11:14: With the Sciton laser, we do offer a BBL SkinTyte treatment. We use the same technology with the light for skin tightening, specifically, so it’s done with our BBL. We are just using the wavelengths and the light differently than when we correct pigment so we can transform collagen in the skin.

11:59: BBL and SkinTyte can be done together in the same treatment. Both of the treatments boost the treatment, so we can layer SkinTyte on top of BBL, heating the skin on a deeper level and to a much warmer temperature than with the BBL for corrective.

14:45: The Halo Pro is a dual wavelength laser that we use to create a controlled inflammatory response within the skin so that we can stimulate new collagen production and new, healthy, brighter, tighter skin.

16:37: And (with Halo Pro) we can retexturize the skin, we can treat acne, scarring, we can treat laxity within the skin to create a more progressive lifting and firming effect of the skin.

Podcast Transcription:

Dr. Steven Hotze: Hello, I’m Dr. Steve Hotze, and this is Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. We believe here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center that every individual deserves to have a physician and a staff of professionals who can coach them on a path of health and wellness, naturally, so as you mature, you have energy, vitality, you’re enthusiastic about life.

While we treat people here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center for decline in their natural occurring hormones, we use natural approaches to eating with healthy eating programs. We use vitamins and minerals, exercise programs, and treat for allergies. We also provide aesthetic services because we believe it’s not only important for you to feel well internally, but to look your best, to look young, vibrant, and full of life. And that’s why we have an aesthetics department here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center.

Leading our department is Bailie Muños, who’s our licensed aesthetician, and Bailie helps our guests look their best. So I wanted to talk to you about some of the services we offer here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. We’ve been trained by the premier dermatologist in the country who invented the Sciton machine, which is a machine that uses light therapy to stimulate healthy skin. So let’s talk about that. Bailie, let’s talk about some of the different procedures that you do with our guests, and let’s start with the basic, broadband light therapy. Explain that and exactly how that works.

Broadband Light Therapy (BBL)

Bailie Muñoz: Well with the Sciton laser, we utilize the BBL, which is broadband light, to not only correct sun damage and facial vascularity, but to also stimulate collagen production and reveal a much healthier, younger looking skin.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And I’ll mention this, that Dr. Bitter, who is in California, who designed this back in the 1990s, has been doing this ever since and has just an amazing practice based strictly on his light therapy. He uses it himself and he’s 65 and he doesn’t look a day over 45. His skin looks great. He said, “If all you ever did was just broadband lighting every month…” He does it every month, and we don’t necessarily recommend you do it every month, but he does.

It’s just amazing the results that we have seen with our guests and he has seen with his patients over the years. So broadband lighting, tell us how it works. You bring a guest in and you can look at it on the video that we have with this, for those that are watching it on video, you can see the therapy. So explain how that therapy works. When a guest comes in, before they have broadband lighting, what’s the first thing you do to evaluate their skin?

Initial Consultation

Bailie Muñoz: The first thing that we do during a Hotze Beauty consultation is visit with our guests. I like to go through the history of their skin, whether it be their experiences in the past with or without aesthetics, how their skin heals, what their expectations are, what goals they like to reach so that I can offer them the optimal treatment plan to help a guest reach their goals.

Then we can do a VISIA skin analysis, which is an in depth photo of the skin, particularly on the face, and we can show our guests all of the UV damage that hasn’t yet come to the surface. We can also show them the severity of facial vascularity, which those are the two treatments that BBL addresses best and foremost is facial redness and pigmentation. So we can show them this is what we not only can treat, what we can see, but we can also get a head start on treating what we can’t see just yet.

Dr. Steven Hotze: How soon should a person start using broadband light therapy?

Bailie Muñoz: There’s really no limit as far as who can and cannot have or start having BBL treatments done. We can treat acne, teens, and adolescent acne with BBL. We can treat anyone in their 60s, 70s, 80s, as a corrective treatment with BBL. Almost anyone and everyone can enjoy the benefits of BBL, does not matter skin type or age.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And BBL, again, stands for broadband lighting. It’s light therapy that helps rejuvenate and regenerate the skin in whatever area is used. And it’s primarily used on the face and on the neck. As we age, we’ve had skin damage and that’s just part of the aging process. So it helps rejuvenate and give you a youthful appearance. Now on broadband lighting, once you’ve done the VISIA study, the 3D evaluation by photograph of the face so you see where the damage is and where the damage will be occurring, then you begin your…basically, do most people start with broadband lighting? Is that the normal, or the first step?

Bailie Muñoz: BBL is our most popular and in demand treatment, so I do like to mix and match modalities when treating the skin because not everyone is the same. But BBL is more than likely our first treatment to start the correction process.

Dr. Steven Hotze: So talk us through the treatment process. So once they’ve had the photograph, they come into the aesthetics room, they’re laid down on the table, and then what happens? What’s the process you go through? Is it painful to go through this? Do you have to deaden the skin? What happens?

Bailie Muñoz: We do not use any numbing for BBL. It’s very, minimally discomfort. You do feel warmth with the treatment. It’s very temporary and very, very little downtime depending upon the severity of the superficial pigment that we’re treating.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Okay. Talk to us about the downtime. What happens? Will the face be red for a day, two days, three days, or will they be able to go back to work after they have the treatment? Will they have any discomfort the next day? Tell us about that.

Bailie Muñoz: No discomfort the next day. If we are treating rosacea, or if any facial redness, you can expect to experience redness for two to three days post-treatment depending upon the severity. With pigmentation, one of the most enjoyable things that you can see whenever you have BBL done is sometimes the pigment darkens immediately if we’re lucky, and guests really do like to experience that because it is an immediate result and they…

Dr. Steven Hotze: So it darkens and then it flakes off?

Bailie Muñoz: Yes, it sloughs off of the skin. No pain or discomfort afterwards and no downtime. You can cover up any darker pigmentation that we bring up with the BBL with makeup so you can return to all daily activities immediately after treatment.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And then what is the recommendation that we have for frequency of BBL treatment?

Bailie Muñoz: When you are first starting your journey with BBL, five to six treatments is the usual recommendation and those can be done three to four weeks apart to achieve the best result. Once we reach our goal with corrective treatment, we usually recommend having a BBL done every three months to maintain results, clarity in the skin and to continually stimulate that collagen.

Dr. Steven Hotze: So that’s our most frequently requested procedure, is the BBL, and probably you’re most frequently recommended for most people.

Bailie Muñoz: Yes, yes.


Dr. Steven Hotze: So let’s talk about some other treatments that we do. I know we do SkinPen. Describe that to us. What exactly is SkinPen? How does that work and how is that different from BBL?

Bailie Muñoz: SkinPen is a microneedling treatment that we offer more. So if someone has experienced acne in their lifetime and they have a very textured scarring, we can use microneedling to restructure the skin, to help stimulate collagen production, to retexturize the skin and smooth out the surface. That is our most popular treatment for acne scarring in particular, microneedling.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And so talk about that procedure. Do you have to do deadening of the skin when you do microneedling?

Bailie Muñoz: Yes. We do topically numb for microneedling to make sure that our guests can be as comfortable as possible throughout the treatment. There is downtime associated with microneedling, usually about three to five days, redness in the skin. Sometimes we will achieve swelling, which can be a good thing, so a little more downtime, and it’s not a light-based treatment. We are using needles in that treatment.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And some people, like myself, have saggy skin on the neck, maybe sagging skin in the face. I’ve said, I’m growing up to look like a Marlboro man. I do everything but smoke Marlboros. But you remember the old Marlboro guy, he looked kind rough and tough. Well, women don’t like to look that way particularly, and really, a lot of men don’t either. They want to keep their youthful appearance. So what do you recommend for those people that have saggy skin, it’s droopy? What type of procedure do we use for that?


Bailie Muñoz: With the Sciton laser, we do offer a BBL SkinTyte treatment. We use the same technology with the light for skin tightening, specifically, so it’s done with our BBL. We are just using the wavelengths and the light differently than when we correct pigment so we can transform collagen in the skin.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And tell us about the skin tightening procedure. Maybe you’ve started somebody on BBL and they want to tighten up their skin. So basically you just adjust the settings on the Sciton.

Bailie Muñoz: Yes, we adjust the settings on the Sciton, along with the wavelengths in particular. BBL and SkinTyte can be done together in the same treatment. Both of the treatments boost the treatment, so we can layer SkinTyte on top of BBL, heating the skin on a deeper level and to a much warmer temperature than with the BBL for corrective.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And what about downtime on that? If you have skin tightening, is there a longer downtime?

Bailie Muñoz: No downtime. There’s still no downtime. Your skin may be pink for a couple of hours after treatment, but no downtime and it feels very nice, actually. It feels a little like a hot stone massage.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And so if someone is interested in tightening up skin in the neck or skin in the face, and they want to have the BBL and SkinTyte, is it the same length of time between treatments? Is that what you recommend?

Bailie Muñoz: We can recommend the three to four week timeframe or even the three month timeframe in between treatment. But it truly depends on the guest and what their goal is, how quickly they want to reach their goal. The SkinTyte, the process within the skin that happens, it does take time. It does take that 30 to 90 day time frame for that change to truly be made within the skin. However, SkinTyte can be done more often than BBL.

Dr. Steven Hotze: So I want you listeners, or really those that are watching on video now, to look at some of the results that we have had with our guests, before and after photographs. And so I think you’ll find that very, really some of them stunning, the difference that it makes in their appearances. So we can look through those as we go through this video and you can share our amazement really.

As I said, here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, we want you to be healthy and well so you have energy, vitality and enthusiasm for life. And we want you to look like a million dollars and feel like a million dollars. That’s why we offer the aesthetic services. So those probably are our two most popular, would you say, our two most popular, BBL and skin tightening?

Bailie Muñoz: BBL is our number one. It’s our tried and true. What I’ve seen become more and more popular, however, is the Halo Pro.

Halo Pro

Dr. Steven Hotze: Would you describe exactly what Halo Pro is and when that would be used in therapy and exactly how that works?

Bailie Muñoz: Yes. The Halo Pro is a dual wavelength laser that we use to create a controlled inflammatory response within the skin so that we can stimulate new collagen production and new, healthy, brighter, tighter skin.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Now, is there any downtime on the Halo? We still use the same Sciton machine, right?

Bailie Muñoz: Yes.

Dr. Steven Hotze: The Sciton machine is the machine that produces light at different wavelengths, depending upon the setting. So we have broadband lighting, we have SkinTyte, and then we also have the Halo Pro. And so this means that we’re going to apply light to your skin at different wavelengths. So the Halo Pro uses dual wavelengths, right?

Bailie Muñoz: Yes, sir.

Dr. Steven Hotze: So it gets deeper into the skin.

Bailie Muñoz: Deeper into the skin. The two wavelengths with Halo are looking for water within the skin, so we are working with one ablative and one non-ablative wavelength.

Dr. Steven Hotze: So it heats the water and that stimulates, it causes some inflammation, obviously, like you would if you had a sunburn, let’s just say on top of your skin. Well, this causes some inflammation subdermally and the body has an inflammatory reaction. And the immune system then stimulates and the cells are stimulated to produce new collagen to heal that inflammatory response.

Bailie Muñoz: Absolutely.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And the results of that, how is that different from BBL?

Bailie Muñoz: It’s different from BBL in the sense that the wavelengths are penetrating deeper. So we are reaching deeper UV damage that we can bring up to the skin surface quicker than with BBL. And (with Halo Pro) we can retexturize the skin, we can treat acne, scarring, we can treat laxity within the skin to create a more progressive lifting and firming effect of the skin.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And tell us about the downtime on the Halo Pro.

Bailie Muñoz: Downtime with Halo Pro is seven to 10 days, firmly from start to finish. The first three, four days will be your more intense days. You will feel an intense heat within the skin, and you will also experience some redness within the skin that will dissipate after that three or four day timeframe.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And how frequently would someone have a Halo Pro therapy then?

Bailie Muñoz: Depending upon the optimal treatment plan recommended to this particular guest, you can have the Halo Pro done at the 90 day mark. It’s not as frequently done as the BBL or the SkinTyte, but the change within the skin takes about 90 days to completely process and work its magic. So usually one to three Halo treatments done within a year’s time is a recommendation. Again, it just depends on the goal of our guest.

Dr. Steven Hotze: That’s great. And I want to remind you ladies in particular that one of the major problems causing skin damage is the type of lotions and creams and cosmetics you apply to your face. Most of those contain some very harmful, detrimental petrochemicals, which damage the cells internally and the mitochondria, the power plants of the cells. And they also disrupt hormones.

They’re absorbed through the skin, into the bloodstream and they go to all areas of your body and cells in your body. And I know that many women also use lotions all over the body and all these things are bought at CVS or Walgreens at the local grocery store or you order them online, but these are very dangerous products for your health. And we recommend here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center and in our Hotze Beauty Aesthetics Department that you contact Bailie Muños. Bailie is our licensed certified aesthetician.

And she can be contacted through,, or she can be contacted by phone at (281) 698-8770. That’s (281) 698-8770, and you can discuss with her the type of lotions and skincare products that you should be using. We produce here, we compound in our pharmacy, Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, natural products that have no petrochemicals in them that you can use for your face or your skin. And that’s what we recommend using because they don’t have any of the harmful side effects that these damaging chemicals that all the products over the counter contain.

So if you want to discover ways that you can improve your appearance so that you not only feel well when you come here to the Hotze Health & Wellness Center and get your life back, but you also look like a million dollars, that’s what we want. Then I want to encourage you to contact Bailie Muños at, or at the phone number, (281) 698-8770 and schedule an appointment to come in and have a photograph VISIA 3D photograph your face to find out about the damage and then discuss with Bailie Muños a plan that will help you look youthful again. Bailie, thanks so much for joining us today. It was a very informative discussion.

Bailie Muñoz: Thank you for having me.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And thank each one of you for joining us today on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution.



Written By: Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


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Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.

Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.



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At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our doctors are changing the way women and men are treated through the use of bioidentical hormones. Our natural treatments have helped over 33,000 individuals with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, candida, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies.

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