June 6, 2019
Dr. Hotze and special guest, Monica Luedecke, discuss ketogenic eating and the Hotze Keto Club. Learn how the keto eating program can help you lose weight, increase your energy level, decrease sugar cravings, increase brain function, and more!
Stacey B.: Welcome to Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. I’m Stacey Bandfield, here with Dr. Steven Hotze, founder of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. We have such a treat for you today. We have our very own Monica Luedecke here with us. We also refer to her as the Keto Queen, and she is going to talk about all things keto today. So, here is Dr. Hotze and Monica Luedecke.
Dr. Hotze: Thank you, Stacey, and thank each one of you for joining us today on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. Now, are some of you experiencing extreme sugar cravings, carbohydrate cravings that satisfy you, but two or three hours later, you find yourself craving those same items you just ate. I have with us today the president of our organization, Monica Luedecke, and Monica has set up a wonderful organization to help you overcome the sugar cravings and carbohydrate cravings you may have. She set up the Hotze Keto Club, and today we’re going to talk about a ketogenic eating program and how that can help you in a number of different ways.
It can help you lose weight. It can help you control your blood sugar, particularly if you’re diabetic. It can sharpen your mental focus. It can help you increase your energy. It can control your appetite, lower your cholesterol levels. Now listen to this, we’re going to eat ketogenically, and we’re going to talk about what that means, but it’s going to lower your cholesterol level, lower your blood pressure, and lower your insulin resistance, and it’s going to help you gain energy, vitality, and enthusiasm for life. So, Monica, thank you for joining us today.
Monica Luedecke: My pleasure.
Dr. Hotze: Why don’t you…let me give a little background first about what the ketogenic eating program is, and then I’m going to have Monica talk about the Hotze Keto Club and give her personal experience about eating ketogenically.
What are ketones? Well, ketones are molecules that are formed in the human body from fat cells. When fat cells are broken down, they break into two different molecules. One is ketones, and secondly glycerol. Ketones, there are three main ketones that the body produces from fat. Acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone. The first ketone produced is acetoacetate. Now, a ketone is three carbon molecules put together, one having a double bond oxygen, the other having hydrogen atoms on it, and this is called a ketone. Acetoacetate is the first ketone it breaks down into beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the primary ketone that circulates in the body.
Now, this doesn’t happen unless you eliminate sugar and simple carbohydrates. What are ketones and what is sugar used for in the body? It’s used to produce energy. The energy production in your body occurs within your cells. Your cells contain power plants. The power plants are called mitochondria, and those mitochondria take the nutrients from the body, including glucose, and they absorb the hormones that your body produces, and vitamins and minerals, and inside these mitochondria or the power plants, electrical energy is produced. That electrical energy that’s produced is transmitted to the other portion of the cells where biochemical reactions occur, and that is what fuels the biochemical reaction. So, you’re really a bundle of electricity.
Most , as they age, because of poor eating habits, decline in hormones, not getting the right number of vitamins, mineral, and nutrients, and not exercising, make low levels of energy. You’re a low-voltage individual. And what are signs of a low-voltage individual? Low energy. Difficulty with weight. Low body temperature. Maybe you have cold sensitivity. You don’t think clearly. You have brain fog. You don’t sleep well. You have body muscle aches and pain. Maybe you have sluggish bowel function. You get recurrent and chronic infections. You’re puffy. You’re pasty. Your hair’s falling out if you are a women, and you just don’t feel good. Your romantic moods and inclinations are gone and you just feel sick and tired.
And that’s what happens as people age, and it can be easily corrected, and the primary way to correct, and the foundation of all correction in regaining your health and your vitality and your energy and enthusiasm for life, is your eating program. That’s the foundation of good health, and the way to be healthy is to eat a high-fat eating program, and that’s what a keto program does, and the elimination of your simple carbohydrates.
What does that mean? Wheat and grain products, all of which are starches. Starches are sugar molecules hooked together and when they break down they produce sugar. Potatoes, rice, and corn – all these are starches. Starches produce sugar. Sugar is highly inflammatory and if your body’s working and burning sugar in the mitochondria and within your cells for energy, you get a quick burst of energy and then you get a rapid decline because your sugar levels go up, then they go down, and you find yourself having these hunger attacks. Some people call them hungry attacks that go on because you’re not eating correctly. You’re burning fast-burning fuel.
Now, if you want to have a better and more efficient energy production in your body, you want to burn ketones. So, what you do is you eliminate your simple carbohydrates and sugar and fruit, because fruit is fructose and that’s converted to sugar. You eliminate these completely from your life. You don’t put them in your mouth at all, and then your body begins to break down fat in your body, and what do you eat? You eat fat, about 70% good fat. That would be eggs, butter, cheeses, hard cheeses, avocados, nuts, good oils, like fish oil, olive oil, coconut oil, which contains mid-chain triglycerides, which are quickly broken down into ketones. And then eat this way with green vegetables and green salads, and a small amount of meat, maybe four ounces at the most, because too much meat will get converted to sugar.
So, if you eat this way, what happens is you get these benefits. You get weight loss. Lower blood sugar. This is very important to prevent diabetes and to cure diabetes. You get your mental focus back. Your energy comes up. You have appetite control because fat burns slowly and very efficiently and it satiates the brain. It causes the stomach to produce a hormone that makes the brain satisfied and filled up, so it’s not hungry all the time, and it also, by eliminating the simple carbohydrates, which are very addictive because sugar is a very highly addictive substance, and the gliadin that’s in wheat is a highly addictive substance in the brain, and once you eliminate that, then you don’t have the sugar highs and the sugar lows. You don’t have the cravings anymore, because now your body’s burning efficiently, using ketones which are broken down from fat in your body, so you get that wonderful weight loss, lower cholesterol, as you lower your body weight, your blood pressure’s going to come down nicely, and your insulin resistance is going to come down. Your insulin level’s going to fall, and that’s very, very important for long-term good health
Remember the sugar, the simple carbohydrates is highly inflammatory, and inflammation is what causes heart disease, kidney disorders, dementia as you get older, and Alzheimer’s disease. All these are caused by a high inflammatory response to sugar, and besides that, we have other things in the environment that also cause inflammation. The petrochemicals that are in the foods we eat and what we drink. The lotions you slather on your body. What you’re breathing in the air. Metals in the environment like mercury and lead and cadmium and aluminum. All of these are highly inflammatory. And then of course, what’s also very highly inflammatory is the sugars and whenever you have infections, you have inflammation in the body.
So, the whole goal is to get the inflammation down in your body by eating the right foods and by then increasing the energy level within your power plants, the mitochondria, by putting in the right fuel and the right fuel would be ketones. You want to burn your fat, and this is what we recommend at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, and a real advocate of this is Monica Luedecke, who’s been the president of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center and Hotze Enterprises since 2008, and tell us about, as you grew up, and she’s been with us now…Monica and I have been working together for 29…
Monica Luedecke: I grew up here.
Dr. Hotze: She grew up here. She’s worked here for 29 years. So, she knows our system and knows…I like to say she knows where all the bodies are buried and where the shovels are. She knows all the good, bad, and ugly here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, because she’s lived through it all. But, she’s been a wonderful leader, a wonderful example to our team. So, tell us about your experience with what your eating program had been like over your lifetime, and how you ended up adopting a ketogenic program and what kind of difference that’s made, and then tell us about the Hotze Keto Club.
Monica Luedecke: Okay. Well, like you, I was raised on food as a means of celebration, not just as a means of fuel. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I ever thought of food as fuel until I started working here. So, lots of bread. Lots of baked goods. Lots of sugar. I recently told one of the girls that one of the ways my husband would demonstrate his care and affection for me would be to make sure that every place that I went in our home had a ready supply of malted milk balls or red hot candy. Something like that. I was really addicted to that quick burst of pleasure that you can get from eating anything that converts to sugar, and if it’s already sugar, even better. Chocolate, also very important in my life growing up. So, lots of baked goods.
Then, fast forward to Hotze Health & Wellness Center. We have an eating program here for health, called the Yeast-Free Eating Program, and I believe I worked here for more than 10 years before I finally decided that I could eat yeast-free at least for the 30 days that you recommended.
Dr. Hotze: Right.
Monica Luedecke: So, I tried that, not once, not twice, but three times before I ever made it 30 days and I was miserable. Now, most people may not have that response to a yeast-free eating program, but I seriously was addicted to carbohydrates, and so for me, eating yeast-free meant not only giving up bread and sugar, but it meant giving up cheese and let me just digress for a moment and say with the keto eating program, cheese is your friend. At least it’s my friend. If you don’t have an allergy to dairy, then you will love all things keto.
But I did it. It took three tries over a number of years, but I finally made it to 30 days of eating yeast-free. And by the time you get to that point, you do feel really well, and I did. I can remember getting up at a staff meeting and really advocating…and I know you remember that, too, really advocating for the yeast-free style of eating. For me, it is not a sustainable eating lifestyle, because it is more restrictive than I can tolerate. I do love everything that you do get to eat with yeast-free, but it doesn’t have the same impact in terms of keeping your blood sugar stable, and so I would still have these crashes, these periods of hangriness, and Dr. Hotze can tell you, really, I am such a nice person, but not when I feel hangry.
Okay, so, in and out of yeast-free, kind of like being in a treatment program over the years. My son had been starting to launch a program where he coached individuals to better health or nutrition, and he needed some test subjects in his program. I guess it’s been about two years ago now.
Dr. Hotze: He was promoting a ketogenic eating program.
Monica Luedecke: He was promoting a ketogenic eating program. Honestly, the whole family, myself included, even though we had started talking about this here, I still was very skeptical of that as an eating program, because this whole concept of high fat is foreign to somebody who’s in her late 50s now and has been raised on this idea that low fat is the way to go. Fruits, vegetables, lean protein. That’s the limit. Those are the acceptable guidelines.
So, I was wanting to support him, and I knew I’d get this added value benefit of aligning myself with the current belief system in the medical practice here, but I also did it holding my nose, pinching my nose thinking, can I really eat so much fat for such a period of time, and my son said, “Mom, you can do anything for 21 days. Just try it. At the end of 21 days, if you don’t like it, you can go back to what you’ve been doing, because you’re basically, you look like a healthy person. You have good energy, and I just need a little help to launch my program.” So, of course that’s what I did.
Dr. Hotze: …to help him.
Monica Luedecke: So, my husband aligned himself with it, too, which makes it a lot easier when you have two people in the household eating this way. Big departure from the chips, the tortillas, the snacks on a constant basis, but we did it, and the whole time for 21 days, I was thinking to myself, well this is not so bad. I feel satiated. I feel happy, because I can have cheese. I struggled a bit to get the amount of fat into my daily eating program that was required. It’s about 70 to 75 percent of all your calories coming from fat, but I did it with the idea that on day 22, I would go back to my former eating plan, and just be a little bit more balanced in the amount of carbs that I put in, which I did.
Day 22 came. I said, well, here’s how I felt on this eating style. I lost a bunch of weight, and I did not need to lose weight, but I did lose about nine pounds in 21 days. And, so I looked a little waifish, and I was grateful to be able to add carbs back in, and I quickly felt horrible. Like within two to three days I can remember having a conversation with Dr. Hotze and saying, I can’t believe it, but I seriously feel sluggish. I feel tired. I started having heartburn symptoms again, which were completely gone for the entire 21 days of keto, and I said, do you think it would be healthy for me to go back and eat that way? It’s so much fat and it’s really not a lot of vegetables. No fruit. Not a lot of vegetables except for green vegetables and really not very much protein either. And you said, yes, sure. Why wouldn’t you? It’s healthy. It’s what we currently think is the best way to eat.
And so, I did. I started eating that way, adopting that way as a lifestyle. My son was and is over the moon that there’s one other person in the family that really believes strongly about eating ketogenically as a way to keep healthy and well for your whole life, and Dr. Hotze, I think has become a staunch advocate of this program because he’s seen even his most addicted staff member, in terms of carbohydrates, has been able to say no to sugar and no to wheat and no to baked goods.
Dr. HotzE: You’ve been on ketogenic eating program now for how long?
Monica Luedecke: It’s a full year and a half.
Dr. Hotze: Which is really remarkable, and it’s really a testament to the eating program, because I’m going to tell you, Monica…and she had to get her…I mean, lunch, if it got to 1:00, and we were supposed to have gone out to lunch, and we weren’t, I mean she’d, look I’ve got to get out of here. I got to eat. And she was mad. I mean, she wasn’t just angry, she was flat mad. I’m hungry. I want to eat.
Monica Luedecke: Well, I couldn’t think. I mean my brain could only focus as far as my stomach at that point, and I would feel headachy and shaky and kind of jittery.
Dr. Hotze: That’s the addiction to sugar, when you have a simple carbohydrate diet. Let me tell you, coming off it, it can take you three days minimal to a week, when you eliminate. You feel bad. When you started on it, how long did it take you to break through that when you start to feel good on the ketogenic eating program?
Monica Luedecke: Yes, I’m glad you brought that up. So, at about day four of eating primarily fat for fuel, I was prepared for this, so I knew what was happening, but you do feel like you’re on the verge of getting the flu. So, achy, headachy, lethargic, not a lot of get up and go to start the day, but that’s something that happens to everybody as their body is adapting away from carbohydrates.
Dr. Hotze: Away from glucose. Right.
Monica Luedecke: As a source of fuel and into…that’s literally the physical sign that you can know your body is actually flipping the switch.
Dr. Hotze: Making the conversion.
Monica Luedecke: nd that’s the ketones…
Dr. Hotze: That you’re starting to burn ketones rather than sugar.
Monica Luedecke: Right.
Dr. Hotze : Listen. I like to describe it like this. My wife Janie said to me during the winter, honey, why don’t you get a fire started in the fireplace, and I’m like okay, great. Go get me the newspaper, and I start throwing newspaper into the fire. It burns up. I go, I need some more newspaper. You throw it in. It burns up real quick. Newspaper’s like sugar. It burns up real quick. You have to have some more. And then Janiey would say, honey, why don’t you just get some logs? Throw the logs on the fire. They’ll burn slow, because we don’t have enough paper to keep this thing going, and that’s what the ketones and fats are like. When you burn fat for fuel and you break that fat down into ketones, you use that fat for fuel, it burns slow like a log on a fireplace. That’s what you need to think about, and it’s much more efficient. It gives you a constant heat and energy over a much longer period of time than sugar does.
So, you hear about these people that are having these sugar…they, oh, I’m hypoglycemic. Well, they’re hypoglycemic, which means they get low sugar because they’re eating a high carbohydrate diet and getting high sugar and then their sugar drops. Up and down, up and down, and they’re constantly eating, and what happens then, your pancreas produces high levels of insulin, trying to drive the sugar into the cells, and the cells become insulin resistant, and insulin in the body doesn’t like sugar at high levels in the blood, so it drives the sugar into fat. That’s why people get fat. 70 percent of the calories eaten by Americans come from simple carbohydrates. That’s right. 70 percent, and we’re telling you that you should have no more than five percent of your calories coming from simple carbs.
Now, this goes against all that conventional medicine has taught for the last 50 or 60 years. You know, it started back in the 60s, saying go on a low-fat diet. We can stop heart disease. Well, we haven’t stopped heart disease. In fact, it’s the leading cause of death among Americans, heart disease. It’s caused by inflammation in the coronary arteries and other arteries of our body leading to heart disease and cardiovascular disease, strokes, and kidney disorders among others simply because we have a high-inflammatory diet, and the diet is high in sugar and simple carbs that are converted to sugar. It’s highly inflammatory.
So, what’s happened, we’ve seen is we as Americans, we’re told by the medical community, by the diabetic society, by the heart association, by the government, eat a lot of grain products and don’t eat any fat. Well, when you eat a lot of grains, grains are simple carbohydrates, starches that break down into sugar. So, we can’t get…can you imagine telling a diabetic eat a lot of grains? Make sure you eat a lot of fruit. That keeps their sugar high and causes them to gain weight and get high blood pressure and heart disease and all the problems that are intended when you have a high sugar level. That sugar in your blood gets bound up to various proteins in the body, and it causes disease in the organs because it diseases the blood vessels. And diabetics have a terrible problem with cardiovascular disease, poor peripheral circulation, kidney disorders, strokes, and then dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. All these are associated with obesity and diabetes, and again high blood pressure on top of that.
So, all these people end up getting on a pot full of drugs. You know, they get on drugs for their diabetes, for their blood pressure. They get on drugs for their heart, drugs for their kidneys, for their joint muscle aches and pains. Then they give them drugs for sleep. They give them drugs because they think they’re depressed. Next thing you know, they’re on a pot full of drugs, which are just more toxins adding to the toxic load in the body, which means the power plants, your mitochondria, are producing lower levels of energy, and they’re getting sicker quicker as they get on all these drugs. A simple, simple way to correct all this is to go on a ketogenic eating program.
Now, it’s helpful to go on a program like this when you have other people following the program as well, particularly your spouse. And there are various ways you can support being on this kind of program and learn about it. Obviously, one of the key ways is to do some research online. You can go and research online about a ketogenic eating program, but it’d be good to join a group of individuals. So, tell us what you formed here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center.
Monica Luedecke: Sure. So, if you search on Google for Hotze Keto Club, you can find us. It’s a group supported on the Hotze Health Facebook page, and this group is encouraged to be interactive, so we love to see people post up pictures or recipes that they are using in their keto eating lifestyle. I personally post pretty frequently, because I’m so enamored of eating ketogenically, and so there are tips and tricks there. This podcast will appear there eventually, and one of the goals for Hotze Keto Club is to get Dr. Hotze a little bit more involved in some Facebook live postings on any new research that he’s seen on ketogenic eating.
Another thing we haven’t mentioned, but is really important in the keto lifestyle community, is pairing your ketogenic eating, which you can do, once you have convinced yourself that it’s worth giving it a shot and you have surrounded yourself with some of the things that you will need. So, I think you’ll need some cheese. You might need some nuts or some avocados or something that it easily able to be adopted into your daily eating program and doesn’t require a lot of advanced preparation.
So, once you get a few days under your belt in consuming most of your calories from fat, and you can see that you feel better and not worse, then you can get to this point where you can add in some intermittent fasting, and Dr. Hotze, you might want to talk just a little bit about that and how much more quickly you can get into ketosis if you pair it with some intermittent fasting.
Dr. Hotze: Intermittent fasting can be a starting with something as simple as an 18-hour fast, where you eat only dinner and you don’t eat…or that’s a 24-hour fast. You don’t eat anything until dinner at night, or maybe you only have breakfast and you eat nothing for the rest of the 24 hours until the next day. I have done this for several years now. All I have in the morning is a cup of coffee with some whole cream in it. Even better than that would be to use MCT oil, which is coconut oil. Put a tablespoon of that in your coffee or a tablespoon of butter. I use whole cream. You can put whole cream in there, whole whipped cream, about a tablespoon or two in there, and that gives me my fat in the coffee. I drink that. That’s all I eat. That’s all I have all day long is that cup of coffee.
And then at night, I’m not even hungry and then we’ll have nice salad with a lot of olive oil on it and some balsamic vinegar. It’s a great salad. You can even chop up spinach. Chop up broccoli. You can have kale. Put a number of different greens in there, add some chopped pecans to that – I put one, two, or three, or four. Maybe raspberries on top of it and then I just pour on olive oil and I pour on the balsamic vinegar. Then we have some vegetables. Green vegetables. Some asparagus, broccoli, spinach. You can add mustard greens. You can have Brussels sprouts, steam them. Put hot butter on those, whole butter, and then eat a little bit of meat. We’re talking about…
You can eat meat on this program. This isn’t a paleo program. We don’t recommend a lot of meat because when you don’t get sugar through the simple carbohydrates and through sugar or through simple sugar, like sucrose, table sugar, or from the fruits, your body is going to want to get some glucose, and so what it does, it takes the meat, if you eat more than four ounces of meat, it will take that excess meat, and it will convert it to sugar. It’s called gluconeogenesis. This happens in the liver. You make sugar. So, if you eat a lot of protein, you’re going to convert that to sugar, and you’re not going to go in to ketosis. You’re not going to be burning your ketones. You’re going to be burning sugar from the protein. So, that’s very important to remember.
But that’s what I do and my wife Janie, she’ll go on two and three day fasts. I tell you, she had on a heart scan, which I recommend everybody have a heart scan done… If you’re over 40, get a heart scan to see if you’ve got any calcifications in your arteries and that will tell you whether or not you have coronary artery disease or not. We did that with my wife Janie, and we found out that she had some calcifications in her arteries and she got really serious about her eating program and on her vitamins and minerals, and she lost about 25 pounds. She fasted three days a week for six weeks and then she dropped back to one to two days a week, and her calcium score dropped by 25% within nine months, which is really remarkable.
So, you can prevent atherosclerosis, which is hardening of the arteries, from calcification and that’s what…the only way you can find out if you have any calcified arteries is if you do a heart scan, and we do that here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. I can’t tell you how important it is to do that. I have seen one young man who was 37, heard me talk about coronary artery disease and calcification of the arteries and how important it was to have a heart scan, he decided he was going to get that anyway, and he did even though he was 37, and he had a high score on his heart scan.
So, it takes about 25 years to cook a heart attack, and we found out that he was cooking one. Now, it wouldn’t have shown up maybe for another 10 or 15 or 20 years, but he was cooking it. And then we saw another gentleman who was 62, and his heart scan showed a score well into the thousands, which was severely high. And it’s a shame that he hadn’t had that done earlier, so he could’ve adopted a more ketogenic eating program and got on vitamins and minerals to help prevent him from getting heart disease. He was cooking a heart attack and it was getting pretty well cooked, and remember, heart attacks are silent killers.
So, anyway, the ketogenic eating program can help lower your overall bad cholesterol and raise your good cholesterol, and I might say in your case, Monica, your HDL, which is considered the good cholesterol, it’s the highest I’ve seen. It’s like 113.
Monica Luedecke: Yes.
Dr. Hotze: It’s ridiculously high.
Monica Luedecke: I like to win.
Dr. Hotze: The highest HDL I’ve ever seen, and her LDL is very low, so on her heart scans, she has no calcification in her arteries, so she’s not cooking a heart attack and a heart attack is not going to be…
Monica Luedecke: That’s not going to be part of my health history.
Dr. Hotze: Yes, it’s not going to be part of her health history at all, and she’ll not have a heart problem.
Monica Luedecke: Well, and I would like to say Dr. Hotze, for any listeners who might have these same concerns, I was concerned about three main things launching off on this style of eating, and all of those ended up being unfounded. One, I was afraid that eating a lot of fat, 70%fat, was going to make me fat, because that is what I was raised to believe. And like I said I’m in my late 50s now, so there are lots of years of programming on that. That did not happen. I have lost weight or maintained the same body weight for a year and a half eating ketogenically.
The second thing I was concerned about was that my overall cholesterol level would be raised, and that has not turned out. If anything, my HDL as you mentioned has gotten higher.
And then the final, thing, I exercise a lot, and I was concerned that not having glucose, not having carbs in my eating program would hinder my ability to have enough energy to make it through a long run, and interestingly enough, not only is that not true, and not only have I found it easier to sustain my energy when I’m exercising, but also changing nothing, my performance, the time that it takes me accomplish a run has lowered fairly dramatically, and the only thing I can attribute it to, it’s my own analysis, but the only thing that has changed is my eating program.
Dr. Hotze: …has changed is your eating program. And listen, if you like sweets, I’m going to tell you, you can still have a sweetener, and the sweetener you should use is Stevia, which is from the Stevia leaf, which is a plant that grows wild in South America, and it’s wonderful. It tastes just like sugar, but it doesn’t raise your sugar levels. If you have diabetes, you can have it and it’s a natural sugar-type molecule, but it doesn’t raise your sugar levels in your body at all, so it can be used, as I said, if you have diabetes, and it’s so much better than taking the pink or the blue or the yellow artificial sugar bags that you have at a restaurant. They ought to be having Stevia everywhere. We carry that here. You can also have xylitol or erythritol, which are also safe to have if you’re on a ketogenic eating program and want something sweet.
Monica Luedecke: Right. One thing you can find on Hotze Keto Club is a recipe for the best ketogenic cheesecake ever, and it does feature Stevia, as well as real cream cheese. Fully loaded.
Dr. Hotze: Well, Monica, thank you for joining us and telling us your story about your ketogenic eating program and thank each one of you. Now, if you want more information about ketogenic eating, why don’t you just Google Hotze Keto Club, and go to it and sign up and get in the group, get on the bandwagon. As I like to say, while the liberals are getting themselves high, us conservatives are going to get ourselves healthy so we can make America great again. Right?
Monica Luedecke: That’s great.
Dr. Hotze: And the Ketogenic eating program is a great way to do that. So, if you have any questions you’d like to come in and let us coach you onto that path of health and wellness naturally, just give us a call here at Hotze Health & Wellness Center at 281-698-8698. This is Dr. Hotze saying thank you for joining us today on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution.
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Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.
Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.
Do you want to live a healthy, happy, purpose-driven life? Do you want to restore your health so that your loss of energy, weight gain, joint pain, depression and lack of drive or motivation won’t hold you back from achieving your personal and professional goals?
Dr. Steven Hotze wants that for you, too. In fact, in his powerful and passionate video entitled, “What I Believe”, Dr. Hotze shares how his Christian worldview and pivotal experiences have ignited a deep desire to offer the message of hope and optimal health to all who need to hear it.
At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our doctors are changing the way women and men are treated through the use of bioidentical hormones. Our natural treatments have helped over 33,000 individuals with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, candida, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies.
Meet our doctors"At 36, I felt like I was 90 – exhausted, depressed, and cold all the time, and now I have a life of energy, focus, restored libido, and a renewed desire to be present with my family!”
I have read that drinking diet soda is acceptable on this program…is that true? Really? Never thought that diet soda had any health benefits..just the opposite..I’m confused
Dear Patricia,
Thank you for your comment. We do not advocate the use of diet soda at all. Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners which are harmful to your health. Instead, try using drinks with natural sweeteners such as stevia. Zevia is a good alternative. Here is a link to some natural sweeteners that we carry at Hotze Vitamins: https://www.hotzevitamins.com/products/nutrition/sweeteners.html
Here are some good articles to read on this topic:
If we may be of service to you, please do not hesitate to call our Wellness Consultants at 281-698-8698 for a complimentary wellness consultation. Have a blessed day!
To your health,
Hotze Team