How to Prevent Menstrual Migraines

January 31, 2019

Debilitating migraines affect many Americans, particularly women. Dr. Hotze discusses the symptoms associated with migraine headaches and the link between migraines and hormone imbalance. Avoid the trap of treating the recurring symptoms with prescription drugs and get to the root of the problem naturally, so you finally get relief. Discover how to prevent menstrual migraines.

Podcast Transcription:

Stacey Bandfield: Welcome to Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. I’m Stacey Bandfield, here with Dr. Steven Hotze, founder of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. We have a really good topic today. Actually, one of my personal favorites. It’s about migraines. Why do you get migraines? How can you treat migraines? More importantly, how can you treat migraines naturally so you are not a slave to pharmaceutical drugs, like I used to be for years and years and years. Dr. Hotze, I’m so excited for you to be able to share this information with our audience today.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Well, thank you so very much Stacey, and thank each one of you for joining us here at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. I believe that you need a doctor and a staff of professionals who can coach you on a path of health and wellness naturally, so as you mature, you’ve have energy, you have vim and vigor, you feel full of vitality, you’re vibrant, and you’re enthusiastic about life without having to be put on a bunch of pharmaceutical drugs, which inevitably will poison your body and your cells and make you sicker quicker.

Well, a very common problem in America, which plagues women much more commonly than men, is migraine headaches. Now, a migraine headache is different from a routine headache because it can be debilitating.

Stacey Bandfield: Yes it is.

Dr. Steven Hotze: It can be located on one or both sides. It can be throbbing, stabbing, aching. It causes problems with vision in many people, they see spots in front of their eyes. It makes them very sensitive to light, to sound. They can become nauseated, even vomit with this. They get tingling in their extremities. They can’t move without being extremely dizzy and they just have to go to a room and lie down, turn off the lights, and have everything as quiet as possible. And it can last for not just a few hours, but it can last an entire day or 24 hours. This is a common problem we see and we see it most commonly in women.

I want to ask you, have you ever been diagnosed by your physician as having migraine headaches? Well, here’s the question I ask. If you’ve had migraine headaches, have you asked your physician why? “What has been causing my migraine headache?” Oftentimes, individuals will go to a physician with symptoms and they’ll describe their symptoms and then the doctor will tell them his diagnosis. For instance, you come in and say, “Doctor I’m having these terrible headaches and they cause me all these various symptoms.” And he’ll rub his chin and go, “Well, you have migraines, migraine headaches.” “Oh good, thank you, I’ve got a diagnosis.”

That’s not a diagnosis. That’s simply a description of your symptom. It’s a name attached to the type of headache you have. Your headache is a symptom. Something’s causing the underlying symptom, the underlying headache, and all the other associated symptoms that attend a migraine headache that we’ve discussed. You have to ask yourself why?

Migraines and the Menstrual Cycle

Here’s a simple way you can maybe figure out what the underlying cause is. When do your migraines occur? Is it something that occurs frequently? Could happen anytime. Or is it something that happens cyclically? Maybe it is associated with your menstrual cycle. You may notice one day, two day, three days, five days, seven days before your menstrual cycle, your period that is, before you have your period, you may notice that you get these debilitating headaches. Then after you’ve had your period, they go away and you feel fine again. And then they come back. Every month you have them at the same time each month. That would lead you to think maybe these are hormonal, maybe they’re related to my menstrual cycle. Very commonly, migraine headaches are associated with the menstrual cycle.

What happens in a menstrual cycle, all month long a woman will make estrogen hormones from her ovaries, mid-cycle, when she ovulates, she will make progesterone. The progesterone balances out the estrogen. The estrogen is the proliferative hormone, it causes fluid retention, so what happens if you don’t make enough progesterone to balance the estrogen, as you move towards your menstrual period in the days preceding the menstrual period, you have a dominance of estrogen hormone which is causing…maybe it’s causing your mood swings. It’s causing fluid retention, which may be leading to severe headaches. You can get breast tenderness and other symptoms associated with that. But it can also cause the arteries to spasm, when you have estrogen dominance, and it causes the fluid retention, which can affect your brain because you’ve got a fixed cavity. Then, it’s when the estrogen is finally released after you have your period, your estrogen levels fall, fluid retention goes away, and all of the sudden you feel good again.

This is caused by estrogen dominance, which is another way of saying progesterone deficiency. This happens with women as they walk through their menstrual life. Sometimes that happens right at puberty, some women begin to experience these severe headaches at puberty. And other times it happens as they begin to march through their life in their twenties, maybe after they’ve had kids, or in their thirties. As a woman marches through her menstrual life, which starts at puberty and ends at menopause, sometime around, 13 to 50 years of age, that’s the time of her menstrual life, well, she’ll have changes in the menstrual hormones. Time may balance it out and do fine, but after she’s had children, or after a woman gets into midlife, the ovaries don’t produce as much progesterone and they get estrogen dominance and this can cause a host of health problems, not least of which is migraine headaches.

The treatment of that is really simple. Migraine headaches, if they’re associated with menstrual cycles, commonly are resolved using small doses of progesterone, day 15 through 28 of your menstrual cycle. That could absolutely take care of it. If you just go to your doctor and he doesn’t know anything about balancing your hormones, he’s inevitably, or she’s going to inevitably offer you some sort of anti-migraine medication like Zomig or Imitrex or any other, and these medications, as you can testify…what was it called? You were taking Zomig when you…

Stacey Bandfield: Right, and it was, there was no generic for the Zomig, so it was $50 a pill and I always wanted to have two or three on me and I would go through those every month, and that adds up. That’s just one pill. And it didn’t solve the problem. I would just keep having the headaches, the migraines, every month. I was on this treadmill, I guess, this endless cycle of pain and trying to mask it with a pharmaceutical drug.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And that’s the key, you were masking the symptoms, but you weren’t addressing the underlying problem.

Stacey Bandfield: Right.

Magnesium Deficiency Can Cause Migraines

Dr. Steven Hotze: Now besides, besides hormonal changes and imbalances that can lead to migraines, also, magnesium deficiency can lead to migraine headaches.

Stacey Bandfield: Yes.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Magnesium can be a Godsend, as it was in your case.

Stacey Bandfield: Yes.

Dr. Steven Hotze: I remember we talked to you and we recommended the natural hormones and maybe you got a little relief of that because, when you have estrogen dominance, you can also have a magnesium deficiency. But most people have a magnesium deficiency anyway, and if it’s significant, then, what you have to do is replenish the magnesium.

Stacey Bandfield: And that’s what did it.

Dr. Steven Hotze: So, several years ago, Stacey and I have worked together now for, I don’t know, 14 years, something like that. And I’ve known her, I remember she was having these migraines, and finally one day I said, look, and I had read The Magnesium Miracle and we talked to Dr. Carolyn Dean. I said, maybe it’s just magnesium.

Stacey Bandfield: You did.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And we tried that and what happened?

Stacey Bandfield: And they went away. It was the combination of the progesterone and the magnesium and it was, well, what they say, the magnesium miracle.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Right.

Stacey Bandfield: So.

Dr. Steven Hotze: So, that’s been maybe three years or something like that now.

Stacey Bandfield: Or four, or, I don’t know. I’ve lost track now. It’s been so long.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Maybe it’s been four or five years. Anyway.

Stacey Bandfield: Yes, it’s exciting.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Since then, you were having migraine headaches, how frequently? Prior to then?

Stacey Bandfield: Once a month. Sometimes twice. It would just depend, but it was something I could always count on.

Dr. Steven Hotze: And so, since you started on magnesium, and you balanced out your hormones, how frequently do you get migraines now?

Stacey Bandfield: I don’t get migraines anymore. Now, I will have the occasional headache. I’ll never say I don’t have a headache. But what a big difference. That’s so much more manageable than getting those migraines, which are debilitating.

Dr. Steven Hotze: This is inexpensive compared to spending $150 or $200 every month just on medication.

Stacey Bandfield: That’s right.

Dr. Steven Hotze: Magnesium is cheaper and so are natural hormones. So anyway, if you have been diagnosed with migraine headaches and you’re on a host of different medications and you’re not getting any better, let me recommend that you come in and have your hormones evaluated and try a course of magnesium and natural hormones and let’s see if we can get you feeling well and back to normal.

Stacey Bandfield: And it’s great to know that so much of what we go through in this life can be treated naturally. Please don’t go first to the drug. Try that natural approach. You can call us at 281-698-8698, for a complimentary consultation. Of course you can always use Hotze Vitamins. Just go to, and we carry magnesium. You can talk to a nutritionist, they can talk you through what that would be. Dr. Hotze, with magnesium, what is the general recommendation there?

Dr. Steven Hotze: Well, I recommend either magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate. They’re the best absorbed and somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 to 1,000 milligrams a day. You can’t overdose on magnesium. You may need 100 milligrams, but start at least with 600 to 800 milligrams, depending upon your size. If you’re smaller, a small woman, 600 may do fine. 800 if you’re larger, 800 or 1,000. And you give that in divided doses twice a day. That can be a Godsend.

Stacey Bandfield: Great information. Definitely start with the magnesium. See if that helps. Really hope that you found this very informative because I know from personal experience how terrible migraines can be and how they can affect your quality of life, so give that a try. And thank you for joining us today on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution.

Written By: Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


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Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.

Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.



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