Dr. Sherry Rogers on Symptoms of a Zinc Deficiency

December 3, 2018

Dr. Hotze and Dr. Sherry Rogers discuss the importance of zinc and its role in maintaining good mental and mineral health. Find out how zinc can help the body heal, detoxify and produce more energy. Learn the symptoms of a zinc deficiency

Podcast Transcript:

Dr. Hotze: Hello, I’m Dr. Steve Hotze. Welcome to Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. You know, I believe that you and every individual needs a doctor and a staff of professionals who can coach them on a path of health and wellness naturally, without using pharmaceutical drugs, so as you mature, you have energy. You have get up and go, you have vim and vigor. You’re enthusiastic about life. Now, there’s no reason that you should go around like the living wounded, kind of like dragging around just waiting to pass away. You ought to be, I don’t care if you’re 30 or 40, 50, 60, 70, 80. You ought to be full of energy, brimming with energy, and full of life, because if you’re going to be alive, you might as well feel alive.

Today we’re visiting with one of the preeminent doctors in the country that approaches health from a natural point of view, and it’s Dr. Sherry Rogers, a long time friend of mine. I first heard Dr. Rogers back in the late 1980s discussing detox, detoxification. In fact, she had a book she had written back there called Detoxify or Die, Tired or Toxic? She’s been all over the world speaking on the issues of natural approaches to health, the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs, and the benefits of a good, healthy eating program, replenishment of hormones, vitamin and mineral supplementation, exercise. She’s lived through it with health problems that she’s conquered naturally, and she’s been able to apply what she’s learned to her practice of medicine, which now is pretty much a consult practice of medicine where she takes patients by phone from her home either in Florida or North Carolina. Is that right, North Carolina?

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Sure. And South, actually.

Dr. Hotze: Pardon me?

Dr. Sherry Rogers: South Carolina.

Dr. Hotze: South Carolina. Well, that’s just south of North Carolina, isn’t it?

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Yes.

Dr. Hotze: How did I know that? You know, I didn’t even learn that in med school. I just figured that out. Anyway, I think, didn’t Nikki Haley hail from South Carolina? The woman that was the United States ambassador to the United Nations? She was governor.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: I have no idea.

Dr. Hotze: You have to get up to date on these things. She just resigned.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: I play tennis here.

Dr. Hotze: Don’t know anything about who’s the governor. Anyway, Dr. Rogers has written, I don’t know how many books, 20? How many books-

Dr. Sherry Rogers: 15, just 15.

Dr. Hotze: Just 15.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: 30 years of a newsletter, and 15 books, reference.

Dr. Hotze: I want to encourage any one of you that is interested in learning how to be healthy to get copies of her books. You can go to…what’s the website?

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Prestige, P-R-E-S-T-I-G-E. PrestigePublishing.com, or 1-800, when the phones are working, 1-800-846-6687. 1-800-846-6687.

Dr. Hotze: Well, Dr. Rogers, today we’re going to talk about one simple mineral. When it’s present and people have it in adequate amounts, their bodies function well. When they’re missing this mineral, their bodies don’t do well. So, why don’t we talk about zinc, and how important it is to good health?

Dr. Sherry Rogers: I’d love to. A few years back…actually, I should preface for folks, I’m no smarter than any other doctor. I was just sicker and had to learn how to get well. Now, I play tennis six days a week, and I don’t even have gray hair yet, and I have no medicines, no symptoms, and survived, well, survived dying when I was 70, 5 years ago, of something that has only been diagnosed on the autopsy table, never in a living person. Some other time I can go into that. But anyway, the bottom line is, everything I say, we have the scientific backup or the references for it, the evidence, in the 15 books, or the 30 years of the newsletter. So it’s not just talk. It all has the scientific backup.

Now, back to zinc. How I first got interested in it was, among my many illnesses years ago, I had multiple chemical sensitivity. Those were the weirdo people who couldn’t eat anything. I had five foods I could eat. Couldn’t go anywhere, smelled everything, reacted to everything. Had all sorts of symptoms. Still, to this day, many people who have chemical sensitivity are thought of as neurotic or all in their heads, because medicine still has not even learned about the diagnosis of it, much less the cure of it. So, I got interested in all the different minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and other things, phytonutrients especially, that had to do with healing the detoxification of the human body. I did a paper on zinc, how deficiency of just zinc can give you all the symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity.

But then, as I started consulting with people in two dozen countries, now I consult in Dubai, London, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, et cetera, on the phone, these are readers of our books, I realized that there’s a bigger problem. A lot of people have a “normal” zinc level on blood tests, and we’ll go into that later how you can tell if yours is really normal. But, they have all the symptoms of a zinc deficiency, and the proof of the pudding is when you give them zinc, those symptoms go away. One of the first symptoms is an elevated quinolinate, Q-U-I-N-O, quinolinate. It’s a sign of early brain deterioration before a person has any symptoms of dementia, or certainly Alzheimer’s or the BS, bad science definition, MCI in medicine, mild cognitive impairment, because it really is the early sign of Alzheimer’s. But, since they don’t know how to reverse it, which is very reversible, they just call it impairment and that’s where they end it.

But anyway, a quinolinate is one sign of early brain deterioration without any other symptoms. It’s easy to correct, because it only requires B6. But, if you give B6 and you don’t have enough zinc, doesn’t work, because B6 doesn’t work in the body. It only works when it is converted to its active form, Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, P5P. So, that’s also what we use in the newsletters as a good test of a doctor, if he knows enough to help you heal, because you can just go in and say, “Oh, gee, I have this elevated quinolinate. What does that mean?” If he looks at you like you just dropped your drawers, which most of them do, he doesn’t even know what it is, much less how to fix it.The next one also is a good test of a doctor who doesn’t know any…doesn’t know enough nutritional biochemistry to help you heal. This would be if you have a high beta carotene level and a low vitamin A level. You might think, “Well, gee, betacarotene is a great thing, because”…even I showed in the book Wellness Against All Odds, Harvard researchers showed that a high betacarotene reprograms the p53 gene, the gene that gets damaged or mutated, and then becomes fertilizer for cancer. Betacarotene reprograms it. It makes it go back to the wild p53 gene, which makes cancer cells commit suicide, what we call in molecular biochemistry, apoptosis. So, you’d think a high betacarotene is great, but if the vitamin A is low, that’s because there’s not enough zinc in the enzyme to convert betacarotene to vitamin A. So, that’s another good sign, or a test. The doctors don’t even know they’re being tested, and that’s why there are very few shows of physicians that I will do because I would be highly insulting to them, but I’m not to Dr. Hotze because he knows this stuff. So, anyway…

Dr. Hotze: Only because you’ve been a good teacher.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: You’re kind. You can ask the doctor, “Gee, I had a high betacarotene but my vitamin A is low. Does that mean I’m low in anything?” And if he doesn’t say zinc, then you know he’s never going to be able to help you, because he just doesn’t know that much chemistry. At least you know where you stand, especially if you have something very serious. So, then we could go into…don’t get nervous, there are over 200 zinc enzymes, and I’m not going to do all of them.

Dr. Hotze: It would take time.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: But, as we showed in the book How To Cure Diabetes, you must have adequate levels of zinc in your pancreas for the peptidase and for the pancreatic function. Plus, diabetes now has been called, in many circles, Alzheimer’s of the brain. In fact, I could’ve just as well titled How To Cure Diabetes, How To Cure Alzheimer’s. It’s the same chemistry. It’s the same body. It’s the same everything. There are a few more nutrients and things you have to do to tweak for Alzheimer’s, but they’re really very, very similar, which is why many docs now are calling diabetes Alzheimer’s of the brain. There are many other zinc enzymes. For example, the number one liver disease now, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, whatever you want to call it, is epidemic now. People start with, they go to the doctor and he says, “Oh, show me your liver enzymes are up. You have fatty liver.”

I, again, am no smarter than any other doctor, but when I do the phone consults on our readers in two dozen countries, one of the things I do before I speak with them is review the last three years of all of the records of all of the doctors they’ve seen, that they also sent to me, because this is part of the total package of that person so that I can better interpret their 12 pages of molecular biochemistry. So anyway, when I see these records from hepatologists, liver specialists from all over the world, do you think I’ve ever seen one who even checks an RBC zinc? Never, because they’re absolutely clueless about healing. In fact, what they do is they next say, “Well, you better have a liver biopsy.” My gosh. You can die from that. You can bleed to death. It’s very hard to put a bandaid or a tourniquet on the liver.

Dr. Hotze: That’s so true.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Bleeding with your biopsy. There are a number of liver enzymes, I’ll just talk about a couple of them, that are impacted by the low zinc. One is the LDH, lactic acid dehydrogenase, because it’s not only a liver enzyme. It’s in the heart, it’s in the bone, it’s in the brain, it’s in many places. In fact, there are five different types, and there’s probably more as they keep looking at it more closely. But, one of the things that we wrote about, I think it was January of this year or last year in the newsletter, Total Wellness, was the elevated lactate level in people. When that’s up, that can be a sign of a hidden cancer. It doesn’t have to be. It can be a sign of Candida growing in the gut from antibiotics years ago, but now the Candida’s making an enzyme called thiaminase which destroys vitamin B1 before you can even get it absorbed. Even if you’re taking it, it doesn’t get in, and so the lactate goes up. It can cause muscle pain and brain fog, whatever.

But, it’s a very important clue because it’s a serious sign that the body’s chemistry is in deep trouble. There are many other zinc enzymes. Every day, we break down our genetic material, different proteins, and we put in new pieces. We refresh it. It’s called growth, or living. When the body puts back the pieces, for example, it takes apart one of your genes, the genetic material, the DNA, and it takes it apart, it takes out some old rusty amino acids and other parts, and when it puts it back together, when it reassembles, if it doesn’t put them back in the right order, then you have mutations, or you have some new disease. That’s where the zinc enzymes, DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase come in.

Then of course, in the Total Wellness Newsletter, we talk so much about the mitochondria. You saw in Is Your Cardiologist Killing You? how important mitochondrial repair is for every heart disease, whether it’s high blood pressure, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, whatever. Repairing after stents because the stents have chemotherapy in them which actually kill heart tissue. Anyway, that’s in the book Is Your Cardiologist Killing You? The important thing, one of the important things about mitochondrial repair, and I might just refresh your memories, mitochondria are little organelles inside of every cell where God’s miracle occurs a gazillion times a day. It changes a molecule of food into the thing we call energy, or life, or electrons.

If I were suddenly dead in front of you, I’m the same chemicals, the same toxins, everything. The only difference is the electricity has stopped, and one of the important things for that electricity in the mitochondria is an enzyme called superoxide dismutase. That one in the mitochondria requires manganese, but in the plasma, there are two more SODs, and they require, one requires copper and the other requires zinc. So again, you have to have zinc for eating up or neutralizing the free radicals, the superoxide reactive oxygen species, the things that drill holes in our cell membranes.

Dr. Hotze: Let’s go back. Let me go back and just clear something up so everybody knows. I visit with our guests and our listeners often about the mitochondria, which, ladies and gentlemen, are just power plants that exist within the cells. Some cells have a few, or one or two. Heart cells have thousands of power plants, mitochondria, that take our nutrients, the hormones, vitamins and minerals, and it converts it to electrical energy. So, you think about it. If you’re low in energy, what does that tell you about the power plants within your cells? If you’re a low energy person, you’re creating low voltage, low electricity in your cells, and you’re not going to have energy. You have low metabolism.

Now, what we want to do with you, and everybody should want this, is you want to be a high voltage individual, literally. We talk about this all the time in common vernacular. We say, “Oh, Sally. She’s a live wire.” Or, “Boy, he’s sure a live wire. He’s got energy. He’s moving about.” You say, “Man, that guys got a lot of energy.” Well, where does that energy come from? It comes from the mitochondria. It comes from the power plants within your cells, and that’s why it’s so important, and to have a physician that understands what makes people well, and it’s energy production. If you have low metabolism, nothing’s going to work right, and you’re going to get a host of diseases. You’re going to live a sluggish life, and you’re going to have a host of problems. You’re going to have fatigue, you’re going to have difficulty with weight, you’re going to have low body temperature. You’re not going to think clearly. You’re not going to sleep well. You’re body’s going to ache. You’re going to be prone to diseases. Your immune system’s going to be unhealthy. You’re going to be sluggish in your bowel function, and you’re going to tend to get infections. You’re not going to be healthy. You’re not going to be well.

So, it’s important on every aspect to keep the mitochondria healthy, your power plants healthy. It involves good healthy eating, a lifestyle. It involves proper vitamin and mineral supplementation to keep you detoxed, and hormonal replenishment as you age, particularly thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is like a spark plug within our cells that helps the cells produce and use energy, and because so many people have been poisoned with fluoride, we have a rampant problem across the country with hypothyroidism that goes undiagnosed and unrecognized. So, the mitochondria are the power plants within the cells, so when Dr. Rogers is talking about the mitochondria, I just wanted to bring you back and remember and remind you how important those mitochondria, those power plants within your cell, are to you overall health. Back to you Dr. Rogers.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Thank you. That was great. I love those, bringing us back down to earth, because I can sometimes get up in a chemical cloud. I read a couple of hours of molecular biochemistry every day because I’m so hooked on getting people well, and people have done the most amazing things, you know? They reverse Alzheimer’s and cancers and you name it, and it sounds ridiculous in regular medicine because they don’t cure anything. The practice guidelines are all drugs, devices, sometimes genetic work, and then surgery, and that’s it. There’s no cure. There’s no looking for cause and cure at all, and yet there are only two causes for all disease. Nutrient levels go down and the toxicity levels go up.

Dr. Hotze: …which affect your mitochondria in your power plants. Here’s what happens, folks. As you age inevitably…as you age, your natural hormones decline. In America, we eat junk food, and it’s full of all kinds of toxins, plastics, chemicals, petrochemical products. We get fluoride in our water and in our toothpaste. You may not know this, or you probably are aware of this, Dr. Rogers, and I’m sure you don’t use Crest toothpaste or any of the other toothpastes, but if you look on the side, folks, you look on the side of your toothpaste, there’s a little box, a warning box, and it says “Do not allow children under six years of age to use this, and if you consume what’s on your toothbrush and swallow it, immediately call poison control or see your physician, emergency physician. Now, why would you put…why would that warning label be on there? Because you’ve got fluoride, which is a toxin, in the toothpaste. Why would you put a toxin that if you consume, like you’re going to take toothpaste, it’s not going to get in your system? It’s crazy.

So, we have products that are poisoning us, and then it leads to a host of symptoms. You get overweight, you’re obese, you get diabetes, you get heart disease, you get strokes, you get kidney disorders, you get joint disorders. You’re just sick and tired of being sick and tired, so you go to the doctor and the doctor says, “Ah ha. Well, your blood tests are normal. We just need to give you a few drugs.” So, they’re going to drug you up. I love your quip Dr. Rogers. When you take these drugs, you just get sicker quicker, because every drug, every pharmaceutical drug that you receive from a doctor, made by the drug companies, you can pick up at the drug store, is a toxin. A toxin by definition is poison. You say, “Well, how do you know it’s a toxin?” Because anybody that went to med school has to take pharmacology in the first semester of med school, and there’s a chapter on detoxification of pharmaceutical drugs. Well, what do you have to detoxify? A toxin, and a toxin’s a poison. So, the underlying philosophy of modern medicine is that I can poison you to good health. They don’t say that, but that’s underlying what goes on. I can give you a toxin and make you well. Well, that doesn’t cure anything. You’ve got to go, as Dr. Rogers has talked about, you’ve got to address the underlying problem.

Now, we’re talking about zinc, and there are a number of other minerals and vitamins and improper foods and chemicals that can cause you, being in absence or presence, can lead to poor health. You have to address the underlying cause and treat that rather than treating the symptoms. What happens in modern medicine is most physicians label the symptoms as the diagnosis, and so I like to say they have a…they’re afflicted with a disorder called labelitis, where they take your symptom, they often change it to a Latin word, and say that’s what you’ve got. For instance, fibromyalgia. You go into the doctor, you’re aching all over, you have muscle, joint aches and pains. They do thousands of dollars of work up, and x-rays, and CT scans, and come back in a very serious tone and say, “You have fibromyalgia.” Well, that is not a diagnosis, folks. Your question should be, “What is fibromyalgia?” Well, it means you have joint and muscle aches and pains in Latin. “Well, that’s what I told you I have.” So, how is that a diagnosis? “What’s causing the problem?” should be your question.

Whatever your doctor tells you, anything, he gives you a diagnosis, your question should be, “Why do I have that? What is causing it?” That’s where you put them on edge, because they don’t know the cause. They say, “You have high blood pressure.” Well, you have high blood pressure. That’s not a diagnosis. That’s a description of a symptom. What’s causing the hypertension? What’s causing the high blood pressure, doctor, and what can I do to stop it? He’ll say, “Well, you have to take these drugs,” which are going to make you sicker, quicker. Anyway, I got on my high horse there, Dr. Rogers. Let’s go back to zinc.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Well, it’s all good, because we all need to keep remembering all these different things because…well, actually, I just…I lectured in Oxford years ago, and I thought they would be ahead of the curve, but apparently they’re not, because they just did a study of fellows, the average age was 25 years of age, and even though I thought that folks in England ate a lot better than we do, one in twelve, these are 25 year olds who are quote “healthy and normal,” they take no drugs, nobody knows there’s anything wrong with them. They already have coronary calcifications, and one in three already has early high blood pressure. We have a nation of a lot of young people who think they are totally immune to all of this stuff, and that nutritional medicine is really for just old folks, and they couldn’t be any more wrong.

Then, there are the people who feel that, “Well, wait a minute. How did the drug industry get so much power?” It’s easy. We’ll just have doctors learn how to heal people, and we won’t have to read a thing, and we don’t have to worry about it. They have no idea. There was just in the Wall Street, of all places, they showed that the annual income, total combined income of 68 hospitals, is around 14 billion dollars a year. That’s one drug, Lipitor. One year’s annual revenue from one drug from one pharmaceutical company. So, they can see how potent the pharmaceutical industry is in United States medicine.

Anyway, back to the zinc enzymes. By the way, you know, zinc is used for galvanization to stop rusting on tin roofs. I lived in a tree house 12 feet in the air in Grand Cayman, the British West Indies, back in the 1980s, several months every year. Anyway, those rooftops were all galvanized. The ones that were not rusted and oxidized. That’s exactly what happens in our bodies. When we don’t have enough zinc, we actually rust or oxidize. The free radicals, the naked electrons from toxins that we are exposed to every day in our air, food, and water, they drill holes in our cell membranes and prematurely age us. So, zinc, you can think of it as an antioxidant because it really is, although not classified that in biochemical toxicology.

Another zinc enzyme is carbonic anhydrase. You think, what the heck is that? That’s one of the enzymes in our stomach that we make hydrochloric acid with so that we can digest and absorb all of our nutrients, and kill bugs before they get to the intestines or into the bloodstream. More importantly, carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme in the pancreas that creates the alkaline tide after we eat, and this is in How To Cure Diabetes, because alkalinity is good for the body. We like to be slightly on the alkaline or basic side. We know that when people are acidic, they have bad breath. They have diabetes, diabetic acidosis. If you have a car accident and lose a lot of blood, you can be acidic, and they give you bicarbonate. We don’t want to be acidic. In fact, there is a book, what is it, Acid and Alkaline, whatever. You want to be slightly on the alkaline side, and if you don’t have enough zinc, you’re not.

Another zinc enzyme is delta-6-desaturase, delta-5-desaturase. We’ll just call it D6D. What this does is it converts your fatty acids, the fats that we eat, into the right fats that prevent atrial fibrillation, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, and that’s just the As. It’s for everything. When I do phone consults with our readers, and I see their 12 page molecular biochemistry assay, a lot of people, especially if they have atrial fibrillation or pre-Alzheimer’s or arthritis, or autoimmune diseases, whatever, cancers, their cell membranes are literally starving for the right fatty acids, and choked with the wrong ones. A lot of them are on this coconut craze. Their saturated levels are off the chart, way over on the right side. Then they’re doing the Mediterranean diet, their oleic acid, their olive oil, way up high. They’re literally choking their cell membranes. So, this enzyme is extremely important to metabolize your cod liver oil, which gives you the Omega 3s. In fact, this enzyme is destroyed by the phthalates that we talked about in Detoxify Or Die, and that book shows you how to get rid of the phthalates, because the plastics are in everybody’s system, and they damage, among many other chemicals, the D6D that helps you…it’s called beta oxidation. It helps you metabolize the fatty acids that make up the cell membrane. That’s the computer keyboard. It gives the directions for everything in the body. Everything.

In fact, if you don’t make enough DHA, which is in cod liver oil, but if you don’t have enough D6D to convert EPA to DHA, then DHA is one of the things that I call an amyloid eater. Amyloid is a protein in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s. It’s one of the many things that goes on in the brain to deteriorate it. DHA is an amyloid eater. It helps restore the memory and the brain function, and all that stuff is in the last couple of years of Total Wellness, and then How To Cure Diabetes, and then how to get rid of those phthalates in Detoxify Or Die.

Dr. Hotze: Let’s mention that, just to underscore about cod liver oil and the benefits of cod liver oil, or fish oil, when you’re getting. The key is that you want to get these omega 3 fatty acids, and these are DHA which is docosahexaenoic acid, and EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid. That’s why we have initials. EPA…

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic, and docosahexaenoic.

Dr. Hotze: Okay. That’s a mouthful. It’s a mouthful. So, it’s EPA and DHA. These are important fatty acids, Omega 3s, that are essential for good brain health, and health of all our membranes. I take a tablespoon a day of cod liver oil. I like it. I use Nordic Natural. You have a brand you’ve mentioned in your book. But the key is, get yourself a good…take a tablespoon of cod liver oil every day, folks. For the kids, if you’ve got children, I’d give them a teaspoon a day. That’d help these young kids…remember, the brain doesn’t mature until a person gets into their 20s, so cod liver oil is very important for numerous reasons. It helps keep platelets from getting too sticky, so it cuts down on blood clots. It’s important for all the health of the membranes of all your cells. How much cod liver oil you recommend a day? Tablespoon? Is that enough?

Dr. Sherry Rogers: We go by…everybody’s different, so we measure. We check people. Basically…

Dr. Hotze: You know, I’m kind of like, if a teaspoon is good, I’m going to take two or three. It’s not going to hurt me to take cod liver oil. But, a tablespoon at my size, I weigh 175 pounds, and that does well, and I’ve used that for years, and highly recommend using cod liver oil. The doctor has told you exactly why it’s important. How many doctors tell their patients, “Why don’t you take a tablespoon of cod liver oil?” Or teaspoon. They don’t do that. Or tell them to take zinc. They don’t measure it, they don’t care about it, they don’t know about it. Anyway. That’s a good point, though, about the cod liver oil and the DHA.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: D6D.

Dr. Hotze: I’m sorry. DHA, will cut down on the amyloid buildup in the brain. Amyloid is what’s found in the brain of people that have Alzheimer’s. So, I wouldn’t wait until you can’t remember things before you start taking your cod liver oil. Start when you’re young. Keep your brain healthy.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Well, even the “senior moments” that are kind of laughable, and people just think of it as a joke, those are signs that you’ve already damaged part of the brain, and you definitely need to get the assay that we talk about in the books and the newsletters to see what needs correcting, because that’s already a bad sign.

Dr. Hotze: Yes, it is, and I’ve had a few of those occasionally.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: I know. Okay. Zinc also…

Dr. Hotze: Dr. Rogers.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Zinc also displaces cadmium, which is one of the many heavy metals that you can’t avoid in a lot of foods, because of the acid rain that cadmium from industrial pollutants, is in the soils, taken up in the plants, and it’s in our foods. So, zinc helps to displace that, and it lowers histamine, it has to do with blood clotting, serotonin. I mean, we could go on forever, but I promised we wouldn’t do 200 of the enzymes.

Dr. Hotze: So, for any one of our listeners, if you were to tell them just without a blood test, what would you recommend that they ought to have? How much zinc should they make sure they take as a supplement? What’s a minimum?

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Well, that’s just it. One of the important things about it is that, first you have to be in the top 50 percentile of “normal.” In other words, when you see your lab results, say a normal zinc…say you got it done at LabCorp or Quest instead of the one that we use. Say normal was four to six. You want to be five or higher, from the middle to the top half, because now, most of our research papers are laughingly showing that we can’t figure out what is wrong, but people in the lower half of normal are not normal. They’re all the sickos, because back when we all started testing nutrients, this is like 40 years ago, in people, the government stepped in and said, “Well, we’re going to show you how to define normal, because nobody knows what a normal is. So, we want you to take 500 bloods, kicking around the lab there, and test them all for zinc. Wherever 95% of the values fall, that’s what you’re going to call normal.”

The problem with that was, those bloods in the lab were from people with one foot in the grave. They had cancers, they had five medicines. They were sickos. That’s why they sent their blood to the lab. If they had been smart, and they still are not, they would’ve said, “Let’s take 100 well people,” actually more. You should have more, 500 or so. “And with no medicines, and find out where their zinc level is.” So it turns out, for most minerals, you want to be in the top 50%, and then, you know, people listening to this might say, “Okay. I’m going to run out and take some zinc.” Well, whoa, because everything is on a teeter-totter. If you take too much zinc, you lower copper. The cytochrome c oxidase is the enzyme that promotes healing. It’s in the mitochondria. The lumen is a far infrared pad that we’ve recommended for years because as tennis players every day, we’re surrounded by people who get sprained ankles and pulled plantaris muscle, and so forth. Instead of three to four weeks, sometimes it’s three to four hours or days, because it accelerates healing, because that machine actually turns on the frequency of the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme. That doesn’t work if you don’t have enough copper in it.

Dr. Hotze: You’re talking about infrared sauna?

Dr. Sherry Rogers: No, the lumen. L-U-M-E-N. It’s a far infrared pad that you plug in. It’s in the book, How To Cure Diabetes. All about it in there. How To Cure Diabetes, the lumen. It’s a pad that accelerates healing because it has…you know, there’s a lot of junk out there in the internet and on the market, so we have to sort through this mess, and this one has…they’ve done all their research. They show that the frequency is the same frequency of the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, but you can’t turn the enzyme on if you don’t have enough copper, and if you’re taking too much zinc and you bottom out your copper, then it won’t work. Likewise, too much zinc can lower molybdenum. Molybdenum is huge for sulfations, hormone chemistry, all that. Too much zinc will lower your manganese, which is in the mitochondrial superoxide dismutase. Too much zinc will lower your chromium, which then can lead to diabetes, endothelial dysfunction, high blood pressure, you name it.

Dr. Hotze: So the long or the short, before you take any zinc, you should get a zinc red blood cell level, RBC zinc.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Yes. Too much zinc can lower vanadium. Vanadium is an insulin mimic. It’s one of the few minerals that actually acts like an insulin, but if you don’t have enough of it, and you’re bottoming it out with zinc, then you’re out of travel. In the dictionary, the word galvanization has two meanings. One is to actually motivate. The next is to protect, and we saw that with oxidation, zinc galvanization. So, my message today is to make people motivated and protective, and get themselves galvanized. The average person would take maybe 15 milligrams of zinc a day, but usually, they’re too low because many other things in the 7M that we talk about in the newsletter in the last few years, they lower your zinc. A lot of things will trash the zinc, and so people need a lot more. But then as I say, once you start playing around with taking more, then you bottom out copper, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, vanadium, and who knows what else. There are probably other minerals that we haven’t even discovered yet, because don’t forget, the government doesn’t even have an RDA for things that you absolutely are proven have to have like chromium, to cure diabetes, high blood pressure, endothelial dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, you name it. Go ahead.

Dr. Hotze: Well, Dr. Rogers, you have given us a lot to think about, the importance of one single mineral, and that’s zinc and how important that is. So, you may ask your physician next time you have your blood level, say, “Why don’t you check my zinc level? My red blood cell zinc levels.” RBC, and see what they say. Then, if you want to get further information and educate yourself so that you’ll know far more than your doctor does about natural approaches to health, then I’d recommend you go to Dr. Dr. Sherry Rogers’ website where she has her books, and it’s called prestige, P-R-E-S-T-I-G-E, publishing. Prestigepublishing, one word, .com. Or you could just google Dr. Dr. Sherry Rogers, and that’ll take you to her website as well, and you can begin to educate yourself. That’s the most important thing you can do, is get educated, and don’t be like one of the lemmings that just follows what everybody else does, and goes down the primrose path that’s going to lead you to, really, destruction. You want to take good care of your health, and you can do that if you know what to do, and Dr. Rogers has written 15 books, and has newsletters you can receive on a monthly basis to keep yourself educated.

Dr. Rogers, I sure am grateful to you for joining us today, and educating us as you do every time, and to help stimulate me, too, to be a better student of your works.

Dr. Sherry Rogers: Oh, my pleasure. They’re lucky to have you, because there are very few people practicing who want to look for the cause and the cure, so this is wonderful for everybody.

Dr. Hotze: Well, thank you Dr. Rogers, and thank each one of you for joining us today on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution. Thanks again, and we look forward to s


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AboutHotze Health & Wellness Center

Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.

Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.



Do you want to live a healthy, happy, purpose-driven life? Do you want to restore your health so that your loss of energy, weight gain, joint pain, depression and lack of drive or motivation won’t hold you back from achieving your personal and professional goals?

Dr. Steven Hotze wants that for you, too. In fact, in his powerful and passionate video entitled, “What I Believe”, Dr. Hotze shares how his Christian worldview and pivotal experiences have ignited a deep desire to offer the message of hope and optimal health to all who need to hear it.

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At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our doctors are changing the way women and men are treated through the use of bioidentical hormones. Our natural treatments have helped over 33,000 individuals with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, candida, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies.

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