What Happens to Your Hormones After a Hysterectomy?

July 12, 2017

What Happens to Your Hormones After a Hysterectomy?

Ladies, has your doctor recommended that you have a hysterectomy? Whether it’s for heavy bleeding, uterine fibroids, or something even more serious, this solution sounds simple enough, right? Your doctor ensured you that when you take out your uterus, everything will be okay. However, that’s not necessarily the case. You need to know what happens to your hormones after a hysterectomy, because it can severely affect how you feel. Having a hysterectomy is not without its negative consequences. It affects your general well-being and health and we want to share how you can keep that from happening so you can have a great quality of life.

What is a Hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is surgery to remove the uterus. It is usually recommended for uterine fibroids (the most common reason for hysterectomy), heavy or unusual vaginal bleeding, uterine prolapse, endometriosis, adenomyosis (when the inner lining of the uterus breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus), cancer, abnormal uterine bleeding, or chronic pelvic pain. There are four different types of hysterectomy surgeries:

Total hysterectomy – removal of the entire uterus and cervix
• Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy – removal of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes (salpingo) and ovaries (oophor)
Supracervical (also called subtotal or partial) hysterectomy – removal of the upper part of the uterus leaving the cervix in place
Radical hysterectomy – a total hysterectomy that also includes removal of structures around the uterus

This procedure puts a woman into surgical menopause. Unlike natural menopause, surgically induced menopause causes an immediate decline in progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone production, rather than the natural, gradual decline that occurs in these hormones over the years. As a result, a woman will feel a dramatic change in her body as she experiences the symptoms of rapid hormonal decline.

What Happens to Your Hormones

When your uterus alone is removed, it would seem to make sense that since you kept your ovaries, that they are still making all the hormones you need, so you shouldn’t feel the effects of menopause. However, since the uterus and the ovaries share a blood supply, by removing the uterus, that blood supply to your ovaries is compromised so ovarian dysfunction or atrophy can still occur, causing a decline in your estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels.

Women often aren’t told that even though their ovaries are left in, that they still can be negatively affected by the loss in blood supply and feel the effects of declining hormones. If your ovaries are removed in addition to your uterus, then you will have menopause symptoms right away. Either way, this drastic drop in estrogen, testosterone and progesterone levels can make women feel absolutely miserable and often not feel like themselves anymore. This can make you feel sad, anxious, and moody. It can also have a devastating effect on libido.

Common Menopause Symptoms

Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Weight Gain
Vaginal Dryness
Low Libido
Brain Fog
Mood Swings
Frequent Urination
Urinary Incontinence

Options for Menopause Treatment

It is critical that women are informed about the types of hormone replacement therapy that are available, because their health and quality of life depend upon it. There are synthetic hormones, which are foreign to the human body, and bioidentical hormones, which are identical to the hormones made by your body. You can probably guess which one is the right choice.

Solutions Offered by Conventional Doctors

Conventional doctors will typically offer synthetic hormone drugs such as Premarin, Prempro and Provera as menopause treatment. They will also commonly offer antidepressants, anti-anxiety and sleep medications, none of which resolve the underlying cause of symptoms and have many adverse side effects. All of these options are drugs that are foreign to the human body.

• Premarin – Premarin is made of horse estrogens derived from pregnant mare urine, hence the name, “Pre-mar-in”. Premarin has serious side effects that include blood clots, breast tenderness, fluid retention, gall stones, headaches, high blood pressure, impaired glucose tolerance, increased risk of diabetes, increased risk of endometrial cancer and breast cancer, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, leg cramps, nausea and vomiting, vaginal bleeding, worsened uterine fibroids and endometriosis.
Provera – Although its generic name (medroxyprogesterone) makes Provera sound like it is a form of progesterone, it is not. It is a progestin, a drug that exists nowhere in nature. Progestins increase risk of breast cancer, blood clots, and prevent pregnancy (clearly the opposite of progesterone).
Prempro – A combination of Premarin and Provera.
• Birth Control Pills – These contain progestins. Oral contraceptives pose far greater health risks even beyond potentially fatal blood clots such as increased risk for developing certain types of cancer, including breast cancer.

The Right Solution

By restoring your estrogen, testosterone and progesterone levels back to normal with bioidentical hormones, you can get rid of your symptoms and feel like your old self again. Bioidentical hormones are identical to the hormones made by your body. Why take a risk with synthetic hormones that can harm your health? It makes no sense to prescribe a drug to treat a symptom of an underlying hormone deficiency when the deficiency itself is so easily remedied by replacing the natural hormone.

A Note About Progesterone

Don’t let a doctor tell you that you don’t need progesterone just because you don’t have a uterus anymore. Conventional doctors believe that women who’ve had their uterus removed do not need to take progesterone because there’s no risk of estrogen replacement causing endometrial cancer. However we know that progesterone has many more important functions in the body than to just oppose the carcinogenic properties of estrogen in the uterus. It is important for bone health, thyroid function, sleep, brain health and more. Whether you have a uterus or not, don’t let a doctor prescribe estrogen without an adequate amount of progesterone to balance it out.

Watch Janae’s story to give you hope that you can feel great again after a hysterectomy:

Are you feeling terrible after your hysterectomy? Let us help you on your path back to wellness.  Contact a wellness consultant today at 281-698-8698.  It’s time to get your life back!

Related Content

Bioidentical vs. Synthetic Hormones for Women
Bioidentical Hormones: Capsules, Creams, Pellets – Which is Best?


55 responses to “What Happens to Your Hormones After a Hysterectomy?”

  1. Joseph Brandl says:

    My girlfriend had breast cancer and a left breast mastectomy in 1987. Then in 1993 she had a hysterectomy and then in 2004 she had breast cancer again in her right breast with a lumpectomy. After the hysterectomy she was on hormone replacement therapy for a while but stopped it because of breast cancer. She has never been on any kind of hormone replacement since. She now has a very low libido, practically no sex drive at all, vaginal dryness, sleep disorder, brain fog, problems with cognitive thinking and depression. I have tried to get her to try bio-identical hormones, but she is afraid that the estrogen will cause her to develop breast cancer or other cancer again. I would like to know if it is safe for her to use bio-identical hormones and since she has been without her natural hormones for so long, would this treatment even make any difference in her health and well being and would it increase her libido and sex drive and help her feel like a woman again.
    Please email me a response to tjbrandl@yahoo.com. Thank you for any information you can send me.
    Sincerely; Joe Brandl

  2. Kristy says:

    Dr. Hotze:

    I had a total hysterectomy with BSO. I was 58 then. I am 60 now and feel awful. I have a lot of medical problems now. Am I too old for BHRT?

  3. Kira Cole says:

    My new naturopath wants to change the BHRT I’ve had for 20 years, doing great on it, look 15 years younger than chronological age, bones strong, healthy, great libido. She wants to remove the Esterone…here’s the formula I take topically E1 and 2 1 mg E3 4 mg. What will this do to me if she removes the Esterone? Dr. Jonathan Wright has a TriEst formula that is 2 mg. estriol, .25 estrodial and .25 esterone. My feeling is if it is not broke, why try to fix it. I have degrees in neurobiology and am a rehab therapist, so have been in medical field 25 plus years. What would be the consequence? PS…also take testosterone and progesterone topically as well….and since I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago, would blood work be a reliable indicator of the estrogen balance.? thank tou

  4. Amy says:

    I had a complete hysterectomy in 2014 at age 39. I was put on estrogen only in July 2014. Since then my health has deteriorated to the point where I am barely able to function. The change in my health and personality from before and after the hysterectomy is like night and day. In my husbands words, I have become like a neutered cat. Between August 2016 and January 2017, I put on 60+ pounds which eventually led to a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism. At that time I was put on Synthroid. After several months and no improvement, I sought a second opinion and eventually a third and fourth opinion. Every endocrinologist said the same thing. I just needed to eat less and move around more. At the time I was exercising for roughly 40 minutes, 5 days per week and eating less than 1300 calories per day. The scale never moved. I finally made an appointment with a hormone specialist who switched my thyroid medication and added progesterone and testosterone to my daily meds. I’ve only been on the progesterone for about a week, but I have noticed that I am finally sleeping better at night. I’m taking 100mg of bioidentical progesterone about an hour before I go to bed and then taking sublingual estrogen/testosterone in the morning. So far, I feel ok but I am still not back to being myself and I don’t know if I ever will get back to being the person I was.

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dear Amy,

      We’re so sorry to hear what you are going through. Getting on progesterone is the right move, and it will help you sleep better, among many other benefits.
      Testosterone can help improve libido. If you still have any symptoms, then that is a sign that your hormones need to be adjusted so that you are on the right dose for you. Don’t stop working with your doctor to tweak your dose until you get the optimal results you want.

      Here is a video of our doctors explaining why Synthroid is not the best choice for hypothyroidism, and why desiccated thyroid is superior: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/2016/01/myth-synthroid-is-the-best-treatment-for-hypothyroidism/

      Here are the many benefits of progesterone: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/2017/04/10-reasons-you-cant-live-without-progesterone/

      Again, even if you are on desiccated thyroid, but are still having hypothyroid symptoms, then that is telling you that you may need a higher dose in order to resolve your symptoms. You would need to consult with your doctor about this.

      Our doctors do specialize in evaluating and treating hormonal imbalance. We will be happy to help you. If you would like a complimentary wellness consultation, please call us at 281-698-8698.

      Please don’t lose hope!

      To your health,

      Hotze Team

  5. Charlotte Cook says:

    I had a total back in 1996. My doctor finally took me off my hormones. The night sweats and hot flashes are bad. Cannot sleep. Been off for about two weeks. Will it get any better. What can I take .

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dear Charlotte,

      Here is a post that has some natural ways to help hot flashes and night sweats: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/2017/07/the-dos-and-donts-for-hot-flash-relief/

      It is also important to replace your estrogen and progesterone which will help stop the hot flashes and help you sleep better. If we may be of service to you, please contact our wellness consultants for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698.

      To your health,

      Hotze Team

      • LeShan in Memphis says:

        I had a total hysterectomy in 2012 and I wasn’t put on any hormone replacements. I wasn’t having any hot flashes because I take Paxil and it also helps with symptoms of menopause . My life have been torn upside down. I have had brain fog getting lost for hours. I had and accident because I could not keep my eyes open. I have gone 6-7 days without sleep. I thought maybe I was BiPolar my physchatrist said no anxiety disorder. I retired from my job and can’t afford it. I have estranged relationships with family. I need help I have contemplated suicide. I feel like I died and I will never be myself again. Please help me live again. I have stuffered in silence for almost 6 years. I have made so many irrational decisions including filing for a divorce and husband moved out he came back because he thought I was going to just lay on the couch and die. We need to talk more about this.

        • Hotze Team says:

          Dear LeShan,

          We are so sorry to hear how much pain you are in. After a total hysterectomy, it is common to experience symptoms such as hot flashes, brain fog, insomnia and to not feel like yourself. You need to work with a doctor to replace those missing hormones that your ovaries used to make. Please seek help immediately.

          Our doctors have had great success in restoring hormones after a hysterectomy with bioidentical estrogen and testosterone. It is possible that you could also have low thyroid function. Please take our symptom checker to assess what could be the cause of your symptoms: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/symptom-checker/

          Please don’t lose hope. It is possible to get yourself back and your life back, and feel good and healthy again. Please watch this video of one of our patients, Janae, who felt horrible after her hysterectomy. After restoring her hormones, she feels great and is living life again, and you can too: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/2016/05/a-hysterectomy-made-janae-a-different-person/

          Please take good care of yourself and seek the help of a doctor as soon as possible. If we may be of service to you, please contact our wellness consultants for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698. We will be happy to serve you.

          To your health,

          Hotze Team

  6. Queen says:

    I have a question. How long does one have to be one treatment after having a complete removal? I had mine done in 1997 and been on HRT since. If I don’t take mine I suffer bad migraine, night sweats, body/joint pains. How long do I go through this? I’m really tired of it right now!!!!

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dear Queen,

      Thank you for your question. Most likely you will need to be on hormone therapy for the rest of your life to replenish the hormones your body would normally make. The dosage of hormones may need to be tweaked by your doctor over the years to maintain hormone balance. It really is different for each person and you would need to ask your doctor about this. You mentioned that when you stop taking your hormones that your symptoms return, so that is an indicator that your body needs those hormones right now. Are you on bioidentical hormones?

      If we may be of service to you, please do not hesitate to call our wellness consultants for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698.

      To your health,

      Hotze Team

      • Angie says:

        I had a total hysterectomy in the fall of 2016. Back in May of 2018 I thought I was having a heart attack. I am 51. I went to the emergency room and was kept overnight for observation. Turns out it was a panic attack (I was a social worker for CPS). The doctor who took care of me in the hospital asked me why I was on hormones (Estrace). She recommended that I go off of them and gave an interesting analogy. She stated that before puberty your mood is even and happy then adolescence happens, the hormones surge and you are on a roller coaster. She said that if I got off hormones I could go back to that time of evenness and it would be healthier for me. So I did. I haven’t taken any hormones since May and I am okay. My question is, is this advice accurate? It feels so but after reading all this information I wonder….

  7. Susan says:

    I had a complete hysterectomy a year and a half ago, never had any problems with being on synthroid, now I’m on a higher dose and on estradiol 1mg-but have joint pain all over my body, I work out and eat healthy, i try and do everything I always do but I push myself, it’s so frustrating, I’m 51 and have a 7 yr old, would upping my estodial help my joint pain?

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dear Susan,

      Thank you for your question. We recommend desiccated thyroid for hypothyroidism. Synthroid is only T4, the inactive thyroid hormone, so most people still have symptoms while taking it. Our doctors have great success with desiccated thyroid, which has T3, the active thyroid hormone, and T4. Here is a great article and video of our doctors on this: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/2017/03/synthroid-was-supposed-to-stop-my-hypothyroid-sym/

      Joint and muscle pain are common symptoms of hypothyroidism. If you are still having symptoms of hypothyroidism, then you may not on the optimal dose for you. Here is another article that may be helpful: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/2017/09/lady-gaga-reveals-she-has-fibromyalgia/

      It is possible that estradiol could help. After a hysterectomy, our doctors would never recommend estradiol without progesterone, as well. True joint pain seems more likely a thyroid/adrenal issue. After surgery, your progesterone loss may aggravate your hypothyroidism and increase joint pain. Muscle pain is pretty common with low thyroid and low progesterone.

      If you would like a complimentary wellness consultation with a wellness consultant, please give us a call at 281-698-8698. We will be happy to help you!

      To your health,

      Hotze Team

  8. Frances says:

    I had some blood work done yesterday. Today my NP sent me home with a prescription for Prometrium. He says my progesterone level is low .64. I had a hysterectomy in March. I had my uterus, cervix, tubes removed and KEPT my ovaries. I am not in menopause. Why would I need this? Every article I read either pertains to people who do not have their ovaries gone, through menopause or in general says you do not need it if your uterus has been removed. I am so confused..

    • Lisa little says:

      I am in the same boat here. Does anyone know what the answer should be. Should you take progesterone pills after a hysterectomy buy kept ovaries?

      • Hotze Team says:

        Dear Lisa,

        The best way to determine what your body’s needs is by what symptoms of hormone decline that you are experiencing. Even if you still have your ovaries, the blood supply to them has been compromised, so they may not function as well. Please take our symptom checker at http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/symptom-checker/

        Don’t let a doctor tell you that you don’t need progesterone just because you don’t have a uterus anymore. Conventional doctors believe that women who’ve had their uterus removed do not need to take progesterone because there’s no risk of estrogen replacement causing endometrial cancer. However, we know that progesterone has many more important functions in the body than to just oppose the carcinogenic properties of estrogen in the uterus. It is important for bone health, thyroid function, sleep, brain health and more. It is also protective against breast cancer. Whether you have a uterus or not, don’t let a doctor prescribe estrogen without an adequate amount of progesterone to balance it out.

        If we may be of service to you, please call our Wellness Consultants for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698. It would be our privilege to serve you.

        To your health,

        Hotze Team

  9. Pam says:

    I had a surgical hysterectomy 17 years ago at the age of 53. Everything was removed. I was put on Premarin. Fast forward to now age 70. I’m a young age 70 I might add. People think I’m 50. I sometimes wonder if the Premarin has been instrumental in keeping me young looking and feeling young too. I sleep, I have still have moisture in my vagina, which is really important. And, my bones are protected from osteoporosis. My GYN wanted me to taper off the Premarin as he says it can cause a stroke. So he recommended taking one tablet every other day, then every 2 days, etc. I have been off Premarin for a week now. So far no side affects. But I’m concerned that I will I start aging faster, my vagina will dry up and my bones will become thin and weak. You speak of Bioidentical hormones. Is this a new kind of HRT? Are there any side affects? Will my doctor even know about this stuff? Thanks in advance for your reply.

  10. Becky says:

    I am 43 and recently had a hysterectomy despite trying to fix my issues with supplements and bioidenticals. I had enlarged uterus with a cyst in one ovary and high CA125 so we decided to go ahead with surgery due to cancer scare even though we knew the CA125 was probably high for other reasons. Anyway, it turns out I had stage 4 endometriosis and the cyst was a chocolate cyst in my ovary. They did leave one ovary and I immediately went to a reflexology that put me on standard process supplements to help support my ovary and composite for my missing uterus. (The uterus that the doctors tell you does you no good anymore and I won’t miss it) So 6 week after surgery I am feeling pretty good. I am also on iron due to blood lose during surgery and on standard process for stress due to very stressful situation at home. My big issue is my libido. I have been struggling for 15 years with hormonal issue and low libido has been one of them. Now that my uterus is gone I feel like my desire is even less. After a hysterectomy can you say what is causing the worst libido? Would it be the loss of uterus and lose of testosterone. Like I said, I am feeling pretty good otherwise (or maybe I don’t know what good feels like). Apparently with stage 4 endometriosis I should have been feeling bad all the time. I think I just go used to it I am not having hot flashes or night sweats so I am pretty sure my ovary is working. I have not gained weight and I was worried about that . I do feel anxious and down at times but I know a lot of that is due the constant stress at home. Typically the only time I feel like having sex is during ovulation and even then I might not feel like it. Thanks for any help.

  11. CathyAnn says:

    I have a few questions please Dr. Hotze, I know that I have more than one question, so please don’t tell me just come in and we will talk about it for starters. I would be so grateful for your expertise and time in hearing your answers.

    If one has had a complete hysterectomy due to hormonal type cancer and has only one adrenal gland left, then is the one adrenal gland enough to give me enough progesterone and estrogen?

    Since, I do not have a uterus/ovaries anymore, I would think that I do not have any estrogen receptors sites for the natural bioidentical hormones to plug into? Please comment.

    Also, I have a urethra caruncle and was wondering if bioidentical hormones can make it go away since the dr wants me to use estrogen cream of which I am afraid to use to to the hormonal type cancer of the uterus I was diagnosed with.

    Where do bioidentical hormones come from? Plants , herbs or what? Thank you kindly. CathyAnn

  12. Cathy Ann says:

    I have a few questions please Dr. Hotze, I know that I have more than one question, so I would be so grateful if I am not told just come in for starters and we will talk about it,. I would be so thankful for your expertise and time in hearing your answers.

    If one has had a complete hysterectomy due to hormonal type cancer and has only one adrenal gland left, then is the one adrenal gland enough to give me enough progesterone and estrogen?

    Since, I do not have a uterus/ovaries anymore, I would think that I do not have any estrogen receptors sites for the natural bioidentical hormones to plug into? Please comment.

    Also, I have a urethra caruncle and was wondering if bioidentical hormones can make it go away since the dr wants me to use estrogen cream of which I am afraid to use to to the hormonal type cancer of the uterus I was diagnosed with.

    Where do bioidentical hormones come from? Plants , herbs or what? Thank you very kindly. Annie

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dear Annie,

      Thank you for your questions.

      1. Ovaries made most of your estrogen and progesterone as opposed to the adrenals. After a hysterectomy, deficiency of estrogen and progesterone would be very likely. The best way to assess this is by symptoms.
      2. Receptor sites can indeed go down after hormone supply goes down. However, receptor production can increase after supply is restored. It is a slow process, taking months.
      3. If estrogen deficiency led to caruncle, the estrogen replacement can help. How well any symptom responds is individual and not very predictable. Estrogen replacement always requires progesterone (not Provera) replacement as well. The presence or absence of the uterus changes nothing. Men make as much progesterone as women.

      Lastly, symptoms are always the best way to assess hormonal status. Please take our symptom checker quiz: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/symptom-checker/

      If we may be of service to you, please contact our wellness consultants for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698.

      Merry Christmas!

      To your health,

      Hotze Team

  13. Cynthia says:

    I had a total hysterectomy kept ovaries in 2006 age 34, looking back over the past 11years i have had many symptoms that have been expressed by others. I finally asked a friend who is a gynecologist, who also had a hysterectomy kept ovaries, what I could do (I did share my blood tests concluded peri menopausal), she suggested progesterone. I went and saw my GP and he prescribed estradiol patch but no progesterone, he said I don’t need progesterone since I don’t have a uterus. I’m utterly confused by all the information and don’t want to start a regimen that could have negative effects. Can you please explain hormones and what I might benefit from? If I do need progesterone please provide the information I need for my GP. Thank you for your assistance!

  14. Jamie Parton says:

    I had a total hysterectomy and removal of ovaries, due to severe endometriosis, a grapefruit size simple cyst, several endometriomas, adnemyosis of the uterus and a fibroid. The large cyst was wrapped around the ureter and endometriosis stuck on the bowels. I’m 4 weeks post op and am still nauseated with occasional vomiting, like severe morning sickness. I started on low dose bio-estriol and progesterone, switched to estrodiol gel, but am wondering if it’s too much too soon due to severe nausea. I’m better in late evenings but have to start over every morning. Should I stop estrodiol or estriol for now and just do progesterone?

  15. Heidi Hein says:

    I had a total hysterectomy in November of 2009, I still have my ovaries, But I couldn’t tell you at all where I should be in my cycle. I had a lot of night sweats and hot flashes over the years. I have facial hair on my chin that if I don’t keep shaved would just grow and grow, I also can’t loose weight. It would seem to me like my ovaries aren’t working. Not sure what all I need to do. I have never had my hormones tested since.

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dear Heidi,

      Thank you for your comment. We’re so sorry that you are experiencing these symptoms. You are definitely having some menopausal symptoms. Since the blood supply to the ovaries is compromised after a hysterectomy, it is possible that they won’t function as well as they used to. The best way to help your doctor assess what is going on with your hormones is to share with him a complete list of all of your symptoms. Please take our symptom checker quiz here: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/symptom-checker/

      If we may be of service to you, please call our wellness consultants for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698.

      To your health,

      Hotze Team

  16. Lana says:

    did have hysterectomy at 56 year and now I’m 59.
    Do I need ERT ??? or any other
    What would you suggest the best to do.
    Thanks Lana Davies

  17. Tani says:

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was approx. 15 years old. When I was 31 they located an orange sized cyst on my left ovary that was diagnosed as stage 1 ovarian cancer. It was decided by myself and my ob/gyn to keep the other ovary in case I wanted to have children in the future. When I was 50 a mango sized cyst was found on my other ovary. I spoke to my oncologist as my former ob/gyn had retired. He would not do the surgery as he said that it did not look to be cancerous but said that based on my two prior abdominal surgeries that a complete hysterectomy be done as he said if I were to get another type of cancer he would not go in as there would be too much scarring to get through. I found a new ob/gyn who completed the surgery as my oncologist had suggested. The pathology on the cyst came back as pre-cancerous. My aunt has had breast cancer twice before the age of 50. Because of my previous cancer and my aunt’s cancer my ob/gyn said that taking HRT would probably lead to breast cancer and that it was not an option for me. Based on your knowledge is this true? Looking forward to your response.

  18. Jennell says:

    Good afternoon. My daughter (now 28) is about to finish chemotherapy for Breast Cancer. She is triple +. Because she has the HER 2+ receptor, she takes Lupron injections. she is trying to decide if she just wants to have the hysterectomy versus the injection. We have been told being ER+, PR+ and HER2+ can sometimes lead to cervical or uterine cancer. We do have a history of cervical cancer in the family as well. I wanted her to be proactive and do the procedure (she said she did not want anymore children). This has to be her decision and now she just isn’t sure what she wants to do. My concern is if she continues on the Lupron and then decide to try to become pregnant(if its even possible) what happens to the threat of cancer returning because she will no longer be on hormone drugs.I want her to understand the difference in menopause with the injections as well as the surgery. Lupron is for 10 years and after that time she would not been on any hormone therapy. What-happens between that breakdown of time from not being on hormone therapy, to her body getting back to normal, just to go through menopause again 10 – 12 years later. Any thoughts, suggestions on books, articles, etc that maybe helpful?

  19. Jennifer Spires says:


    I have a hysterectomy and a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy recovery back on May, 28, 2014.

    It’s been nearly 4 yrs.

    Hot Flashes (well, more due to weight issues concerning PCOS I always get hot more than others and I need wherever I am to be cold otherwise I get sick) Depression, Anxiety (but I’ve had depression, anxiety and bipolar I disorder since I was a young teen. Not sure if I can count these), Insomnia, Brain Fog (which continues to get worse all the time), Mood Swings, Fatigue, Migraines (but I’ve had migraines since my severe head trauma at 18).

    Would taking bioidentical hormones even help?

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dear Jennifer,

      Thank you for your question. A total hysterectomy puts you immediately into menopause, and you are not making the hormones you used to make. So it is possible that all of your symptoms could be due to the hormone decline, however you would need to be examined by a doctor who would need to review your clinical history and symptoms to make a diagnosis. The depression and anxiety you had as a teen could possibly have been due to hormone imbalance, as well. Many young girls have hormone issues from the moment they hit puberty. The natural solution is to replenish your missing hormones with bioidentical hormones so that you can resolve your symptoms and feel better. Bioidentical hormones are identical to the hormones made by our body.

      Please take our symptom checker to help identify the cause of your symptoms: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/symptom-checker/

      If you would like a complimentary wellness consultation with a wellness consultant, please call us at 281-698-8698 and we will be happy to help you.

      To your health,

      Hotze Team

  20. Cheri says:

    I had a total hysterectomy in July 2015 at age 45. I’ve only used .05 estrogen patch until the past 6 months where 10mcg vag tab was added due to symptoms of BV (with no BV) keep recurring. Along with this unbelievable annoying symptom of BV/UTI (no UTI) there has been weight gain (40lbs), depression, anxiety, low libido, many more. I work out 5 days a week (going on 3 months), eat healthy and not a lb lost. I had my TSH tested and it came back 3.0 and a thyroid panel would not be ordered because it was not high enough. I am very frustrated. What type of doctor should I seek to get the results I need to feel healthy? I am seeing a GYN that is in a top hospital in my area but she does not believe in the bio-identical hormone after total hysterectomy. I saw my local GP for thyroid and again felt no one was listening. This is not my body.

    • Cheri says:

      I realized I did not have a total hysterectomy I guess I had a radical hysterectomy.. EVERYTHING was removed. I was not sure what that was called!

  21. mary says:

    I am confused about something…
    I had a hysterectomy(took ovaries) when I was 45, I am now 57. I immediately went on the patch estrogen .1 and progesterone. my estradiol level was at 180 for many years. now I got it checked and it’s 56..!! what could happen to bring it down since I thought it was the medication that had it at that level since I had a total hysterectomy? should I increases patch dosage?? thank you for any info!

    mary Silva

    • Hotze Team says:

      Dear Mary,

      Thank you for your question. Hormone levels can change as we age. You would need to discuss this with your doctor who has evaluated you and knows your clinical history. It is possible that you do need to adjust your estradiol dose.

      Please take our symptom checker to help identify the cause of any symptoms you may be having: http://makeshift-worm.flywheelsites.com/symptom-checker/

      If you would like to be evaluated by our doctors, please call our Wellness Consultants for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698. We will be happy to help you.

      To your health,

      Hotze Team

  22. Hotze Team says:

    Hello my Name is Sarah I’m 26 year old & my doctor took out my Uterus and tubes & left my Ovaries in. I had I keep telling my doctor I’m going through hot flashes & mood swings & not feeling like myself & can’t sleep & no sex drive & my brain always foggy or having brain farts, have no Energy, the doctor tried to give me birth control pill for Harmon’s but doesn’t work so he like you need Antidepressants & I said that’s what it is and that’s not what I need he won’t listen to me. I don’t know what else to do?
    What do I need?
    I just want to be back to myself
    thank you Sarah

    • Sarah says:

      Forgot to put this in too

      The doctor said I need have my Uterus and tubes out cause
      I was at stage 4 for endometriosis

    • Dear Sarah,

      Your symptoms are very common after a hysterectomy, even if the ovaries are left in, as yours were. Antidepressants and birth control pills are NOT the answer. You are feeling the way you are because of the drastic decline in hormones. Please don’t lose hope. The solution is to restore those missing hormones with bioidentical hormones that are identical to those made by your body. We have had great success in helping women with these issues.

      Please contact our Wellness Consultants for a complimentary wellness consultation at 281-698-8698. We will be happy to help you!

      To your health,

      Hotze Team

  23. Debi Stuber says:

    Oh boy. Here we go.
    I had a total hysterectomy at age 31. (After having 2 children by c-section). I took Premarin for probably 20 years and i now use a .375 estradiol patch along with progesterone cream. I have hashimoto’s additionally. My current dose of synthroid is 1.0 and I suffer from tons of anxiety. I was always a thin person but i am now 180lbs. and cant seem to lose it. HELP PLEASE

  24. Rachael says:


    I’ve had a hysterectomy at 29 (about 15 years ago), two DVT’s in my right leg in the last 16 years. I was told that because of my DVT condition that I could not be put on hormone therapy. Is that true?

    My PCP has never said anything about the following symptoms I’ve experienced and I had no idea they may be related to my hysterectomy!!
    Cold & Hot Flashes
    Night Sweats
    Weight Gain
    Low Libido (**VERY LOW!!)
    Brain Fog
    Mood Swings
    Frequent Urination

    Do you have any suggestions that might help?
    Rachael A.

  25. Ashley Harkness says:

    I had a partial hysterectomy and salpingectomy 2 1/2 months ago. At my follow up appointment, my gyn ordered blood work, and my estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone were all very low (as well as vitamin D). He recommended I have a hormone pellet inserted under my skin. Insurance didn’t cover it (it’s not approved by the fda), so I refused and asked for a cream. He told me the only thing he could do was prescribe an estrogen pill. I never got the prescription filled because I dont feel like that will be appropriate. But now I am gaining more weight, I have difficulty sleeping, I’ve never been so depressed, I have brain fog and night sweats. I feel worse than I did before my hysterectomy. Any advise would be appreciated.

  26. Rita says:

    I need to know if what I can take for my Hormones I have no sex drive at all please help me

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AboutHotze Health & Wellness Center

Since 1989, Hotze Health & Wellness Center has helped over 33,000 patients get their lives back using bioidentical hormones that restore hormones to optimal levels, strengthen immune systems, and increase energy levels. Our treatment regimen addresses the root cause of hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, and candida.

Led by best-selling author, radio host and leading natural health expert, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., our medical team has over 100 years’ combined medical experience backed by a staff of nearly 100 caring professionals who provide an environment of hope and extraordinary hospitality for each of our patients, who we call our guests. It is our deepest desire to help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you may enjoy a better quality of life, pure and simple.



Do you want to live a healthy, happy, purpose-driven life? Do you want to restore your health so that your loss of energy, weight gain, joint pain, depression and lack of drive or motivation won’t hold you back from achieving your personal and professional goals?

Dr. Steven Hotze wants that for you, too. In fact, in his powerful and passionate video entitled, “What I Believe”, Dr. Hotze shares how his Christian worldview and pivotal experiences have ignited a deep desire to offer the message of hope and optimal health to all who need to hear it.

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At Hotze Health & Wellness Center, our doctors are changing the way women and men are treated through the use of bioidentical hormones. Our natural treatments have helped over 33,000 individuals with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, menopause, perimenopause, low testosterone, allergies, candida, detoxification and nutritional deficiencies.

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Tony S.

"I went from from having fatigue to regaining my energy, motivation, and drive after age 50!”

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