Antidepressant Romance Fuels Premedicated Murder

August 5, 2011

 By Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison
I wish medicine wasn’t so darn complicated. If it weren’t, people would see how Big Pharma cleverly plays prescription cupid to hook the masses into an antidepressant romance. Fueled by dreamy ads, sexy actors, and medical experts who get paid by Big Pharma, the romance has grown into a full-fledged orgy.
Antidepressants are among the best selling drugs, yet not one single diagnostic test supports their effectiveness. Romance makes for great business. But, are patients getting the love they deserve or are they facing another life threatening disaster akin to the Vioxx fiasco (killing an estimated 30,000 people who could have just used aspirin)? Perhaps the chemical facts behind antidepressants will give way to reality and help Americans sever ties to the deadly affair.
Life can be hard at times. Everyone knows it and Big Pharma profits from it. To answer our cries for happiness, they sell us a slew of molecules ripe with supposed happy atoms purported to elicit wanton pleasure. It’s a pipe dream. Like a parent who doesn’t like their daughter dating drug reps or psychiatrists, the FDA started using Black Box Warnings to inform us that, “Antidepressants, compared to placebo, increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children in short term studies.” Psychiatrists quickly refuted this.
Massaging our fears, Dr. McAllister-Williams of the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University publicly insisted that “I believe they work andhave an acceptable risk: benefit ratio for many patients.” Taking his cue, psychiatrists from around the world did what they do best: Ignore scientific ethics and get on their knees for Big Pharma.
In a vulgar display of medical ineptitude, prescribing habits surged. From 1996 to 2006, use of antidepressants increased 50% among children, 73% among adults and a ghastly 100% among the elderly – so much for Black Box Warnings. Why not rename them Profit Warnings?
As prescribing habits have surged, so has antidepressant reality.
The so called disease of a “serotonin” chemical imbalance among depressed patients has never been proven. The Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience recently reminded doctors that, “Brain serotonin cannot be directly measured” and that even in the deceased, “Serotonin levels are unstable, within 24 hours of death.” Therefore, “direct evidence that serotonin is low in depressed persons is unavailable.”
Panicked, psychiatry hypothesized yet another cause of a chemical imbalance: Bad genes. Apparently, select people (basically anyone with a heartbeat) have a defective gene that makes them susceptible to depression – and drugs, drugs and more drugs can save them from the scourge of sadness. Bio-babble like “alleles” and “transporter genes” were thrown around like condoms at a high school pep rally. The jargon confused everyone. And in their dizzy stupor, most were convinced that it must mean one thing: antidepressants are the Holy Grail to attaining happiness. Psychiatry was once again renewed with the stench of pharmaceutical pheromones. But it didn’t last.
Thanks to scientific methodology, the industry was slapped with the facts. The New York Times delivered the blow and wrote, “One of the most celebrated findings in modern psychiatry — that a single gene helps determine one’s risk of depression in response to a divorce, a lost job or another serious reversal — has not held up to scientific scrutiny.”
You don’t need science to disprove the antiquated, reductionist propaganda surrounding the chemical imbalance theory. You only need the common sense of a child.
The human brain floats in thousands, billions or maybe even trillions of brain chemicals – all working in orchestra like unison to confer proper brain function. Even serotonin exists not as a single molecule, but instead as an ever changing chemical cascade of 5-htp, niacin, L-tryptophan, quinolinate, kynurenine and more. You’d have to be Paris Hilton or a psychiatrist to miss this logic and adhere to the simplistic serotonin imbalance theory.
With no such thing as a chemical imbalance or “depression inducing genes,” psychiatry did what any organization would do in the face of impending demise: Get the U.S Government to do their dirty work.
Today, an insidious collusion between Big Pharma and Big Government is doling out drugs paid for by our tax dollars to foster children, to our U.S. Troops, and to the elderly at breakneck speeds.   With so many being drugged, a harsh reality is emerging: Antidepressant romance fuels “premedicated murder.”, While researching my new book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, I uncovered stories of horrific suicide and rage that occurred after being medicated with antidepressants. But none more disturbing than the Chris Wood story. Doped up on his prescribed cocktail of antidepressants – all three of them – he shot his 33 year old wife Francie and their three children – Chandler, 5, Gavin, 4, and Fiona, 2. Shockingly, in his drug damaged mind, they weren’t “dead enough” and gruesome decapitation followed. Afterwards, he picked up a shotgun and killed himself. This isn’t an isolated incident., Among our US troop, suicide and rage is at an all time high – in direct correlation to mass prescribing. The same trend exists among teens as seen by the ever growing act of spraying classmates with bullets. Psychiatrists don’t seem to be alarmed with these trends, or at all interested in seeing the obvious correlations. In an attempt to “leave no American un-medicated,” they encourage subjective mental screening tests for the rest of us as a means of converting healthy people into psychiatric patients.
Pyschiatry wants to position antidepressants as the cure for the premedicated violence. So to counter the growing evidence that their drugs are the cause, they insist that, “The only evidence that would be acceptable is the demonstration in a double blind trial that a difference in suicide rates was consistently seen. There is no evidence at all for a differential suicide attempt rate with antidepressants. Suicidal thoughts are an integral part of depression.” Here comes the backhand.
Writing for the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Joel Kauffman elucidates that combined clinical trials on antidepressants show five times the risk of suicide among the treated compared to placebo.
The suicide/aggression trend is not inexplicable from a chemistry viewpoint. Using the latest cloning techniques and laboratory methods, it’s been shown that antidepressants elicit “neurotransmitter hijacking.” This may be partially responsible for the mental state that causes a person to gruesomely murder their loved ones, then put a shotgun to their chin and pull the trigger.
Once swallowed, antidepressants sail past the blood brain barrier and congregate on top of “neurotransmitter recyclers.” This can prevent the cellular “recycling factories” from activating previously used neurotransmitters like serotonin or any of its chemical cousins. With nowhere to go, the inactive brain compounds get “hijacked” by recycling facilities found in other regions of the brain. This would be similar to a square peg being shoved into a round hole. As shown by Baylor College of Medicine, the recycling facilities of key neurotransmitters, like dopamine (round), begin to retrieve serotonin (square) into dopamine vesicles. A dastardly consequence ensues.
Commenting on the hijacking, CNN publicized that, “Antidepressant drugs actually create a perilous brain imbalance.” And Psychiatric Times hypothesized that blocking transporters on cell bodies could drop neurotransmitter levels in the synapse. Is it true?
To measure if neurotransmitter hijacking leads to an empty synapse, you can simply look for clinical manifestations of poor neurotransmitter function (like Parkinson’s disease, which is due to poor output of dopamine) among antidepressant users. As far back as 1995, the American Journal of Medicine showed that 37% of all prescriptions for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease are due to Psychiatric drug use. Case closed. These antidepressant actions are the exact opposite of the claimed “neurotransmitter boosting” actions purported by most doctors!  , Once neurotransmitter hijacking takes place, pharmacopossession (due to poor neurotransmitter function) may also set in. As patients come fully under the spell of antidepressants, the brain can become so scrambled that all normal reality and reason are overwritten by a new confusing and violent agenda. A new personality arises – one with homicidal and suicidal tendencies. And for an ever increasing number of antidepressant users, these tendencies are manifesting as premedicated murder – the deliberate killing as a result of being medicated in advance.
Unbalanced by drugs, the brain of an antidepressant user faces a slew of mind altering outcomes. What kind? What was Chris Wood thinking and feeling prior to committing premedicated murder of his family while pharmacopossessed? To answer these questions just go back to the beginning of this article and read the “profit warning” that comes with every Prozac prescription. It’s all there in black and white.
Even though the FDA “compels” drug companies to warn the public about antidepressant risks, their “death grip” on the medical industry has kept doctors and patients from knowing the real extent of the danger. Dr. Catherine DeAngelis, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association said that “Pharma’s influence on medicine is so blatant now you’d have to be deaf, blind and dumb not to see it.” I guess psychiatrists are all three since they continue to ignore science and romance the masses with promises of happiness courtesy of antidepressants.
Before your doctor gives you an antidepressant, ask him to read you the Black Box Warning that comes with your prescription. This will ensure that the potential romance quickly gives way to reality and that you don’t succumb to premedicated murder.  , About the Author
Ellison’s entire career has been dedicated to the study of molecules; how they give life and how they take from it. He was a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for his research in biochemistry and physiology. He is a bestselling author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, which helps you live healthier and pay less with $10 lifesaving supplements for under $10! Get a free chapter now – cancer truths that will save your life – at .

Written By: Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


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