Parental Rights under Attack: young girls targeted

July 29, 2011

 Condoms, abortion, ADD, ADHD, Sex Education and now Gardasil is added to the list of things teens must discern as they struggle through a most confusing and tumultuous time of their life.  
Gardasil, produced by pharmaceutical giant, Merck and company has developed a vaccine that prevents against four specific strains of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), two of which are directly linked with sexually transmitted genital warts, the remaining with the development of cervical cancer.
Texas Governor Rick Perry issued an executive order in February 2007, the first state in the union, mandating that the vaccine be administered to all girls entering the 6th grade in the state of Texas. His tyrannical decision has started a chain of events throughout the country as many other states are following his lead. Gov. Perry used an “opt out” clause for religious or other “reasons of conscience,” to bypass a normal legislative debate and you can bet there would have been a debate!
You might think after viewing all the TV commercials about preventing sexually transmitted diseases the Governor is doing the Texas girls a favor. Does Governor Perry know better than parents what is best for Texans’ daughters or is he trying to promote promiscuity among teenage girls?   Perhaps it is a bit of both, the result; Sodom and Gomorrah in 1984 (Orwellian style). The fact that mandating a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease at the 6th grade level has currency is an indicator of the culture’s physical and moral conditions.  
Historically, mandated governmental vaccine programs were instituted when and where a public health threat might exist, or if there is no other measure available to thwart danger. Do those conditions exist? Knowing that HPV is sexually transmitted the majority of the time it is illogical to think there is imminent threat or danger.
This “social policy” was hastily mandated, absent debate about the serious consequences that may arise. What could be driving this mandated madness?
A disturbing revelation shows that Merck’s political action committee (PAC) donated $6,000 to Gov. Perry’s campaign for re-election. Women in Government, an advocacy group, is heading up the effort to persuade state legislatures across the country to make Gardasil vaccinations mandatory. Guess who is funding this effort? Merck!
The mother-in-law of Perry’s chief of staff is a state director for Women in Government. His wife is a nurse and his father-n-law is a retired doctor, both in favor of Gardasil. Additionally, there are rumors that Gov. Perry owns stock in Merck. Attempts to verify this have been stopped because Perry’s holdings are in a blind trust. If true, this is unconscionable. Parents deserve full disclosure of information that may contribute to state mandates governing the health of their children.  
The term “vaccine” should frighten everyone because several scientific studies have reported links between vaccinations and autism, tumors, and other childhood conditions. Still, the medical community stands firm in denial of evidence found in the research. Click here for more information on vaccines.
Side effects have been reported in 20 states. Vicky Debold, health policy analyst for the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) states, “Young girls are experiencing severe headaches, dizziness, temporary loss of vision and some girls have lost consciousness during what appear to be seizures.” Gardasil has not been rigorously tested to know the long term effects. It is a gamble on the future health of our teen girls; and the winners are Merck and its shareholders, unless their daughters are subject to the mandates too.
This is a serious health issue with long term implications being promoted under the guise of protecting young girls. If all of us, especially mothers, do not take action and become informed, the same situation will occur as did with the HRT travesty. Scientific evidence as far back as the 1930s has been ignored regarding the dangers of synthetic estrogen. Consequently, many women have unnecessarily suffered and died.
This affects all of us. There is no one better to make decisions about personal health than ourselves. Please keep this in mind the next time you hear a governmental official or see a commercial that promotes pharmaceutical panaceas designed to inspire fear.
As always, follow the dollar. I feel discouraged at times because it is money and power rather than deontology (ethics dealing with duty, moral obligation, and right action) that influences and drives public health decisions. Consumers need to understand this. Stay informed for your own protection and the future of our children., Sources:, 1. Moves to Vaccinate Girls Fro Cervical Cancer Draw Fire, Wall Street Journal, February 7, 2007
2. “Texas Gov. Orders Anti-Cancer Vaccine” Liz Austin Peterson, the Associated Press, 2/3/07,
3. “FDA Approves Cervical Cancer Vaccine” Andrew Bridges, the Associated Press, 6/9/06,
4. The Moss Reports:Cancer Decisions Newsletter Archives, March 4, 2007
5. Concerned Women of America, June 2007,  

Written By: Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center, Hotze Vitamins and Physicians Preference Pharmacy International, LLC.


One response to “Parental Rights under Attack: young girls targeted”

  1. Ismael Martinez says:

    I am a parent who has research into vaccinations, and don’t agree with a lot that is going on. What should I do for my children if I do not vaccinate them? Where should I take them for their check ups? Thank you so much

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